chunks of flommus
Louis Warfield
charging mor and mor and mor!
Blah, blah, inflation, blah, price increase, blah, cost of goods, blah, blah, gas prices, blah, blah, unions, Jesus H Fucking Christ! CHECK YOUR
and next year, dems had better get their asses to the polls
“In a rational world, this wouldn’t be the cause for Democratic panic, quite the contrary. Democrats beat the odd. Ronald Reagan is
soldiers, citizens, so-called patriots
musings from the bathtub Well, it’s been a while. Been showers only. I was musing about so-called Patriots that refused to be told
in the big chair
I have a serious question. How could ANYONE have prevented terrified Afghans from scaling the walls of the airport in Kabul and
broadway and 19th, sacramento
Dear millennials in the white car at Broadway and 19th, I am terribly sorry that in my vain 4th attempt to get