chunks of flommus

Louis Hernandez
louis being a sassy bitch
Please allow me to be the first person that cuts a raspberry in an AI art gallery. Like I should get points
ralphie is crazy
I didn’t grow up observing the holiday. Like any outsider, I was introduced to your customs via glossy media. Let’s just address this:
why local? let’s talk
Your local small business has basically been working for free for the last two years. Why? The cost of their materials increased exponentially.
background check:
bc: “Are you Meth Luis Miguel?” me: “No.” bc: “DUI Luis Dominguez?” me: “… no.” bc: “How long was your prison stint
auto service
overheard: “… this guy totally has a horror fridge in an abandoned house somewhere …” location: auto mechanic waiting room subject: 1998 bmw sedan The