chunks of flommus

Bwargh von Modnar
people who think the news even has to lie most of the time aren’t real conspiracy theorists
I have this personal theory that every hardcore Trump supporter is either themselves a narcissist, or has spent a lot of time
starting to think the secret to life is just tricking yourself into having a good time
“As a white-collar millennial, I’m supposed to be cheering on the remote work revolution. But I’ve realized that I can’t be my
yester-day, to-day and … to-morrow!!
I keep thinking about this old guy I used to see at Denny’s, who would sometimes sit down with us. Always on a
how to make a cup of tea (like an artist)
Lately been using the term “Rick Sanchez-ing” to describe the practice of acquiring cursed items with a lot of unearned confidence in one’s