chunks of flommus
Jason Malmberg
seven little things
“Yeah, well the band 311 called me and said I can’t fuck raccoons anymore.” 1. I just got hiccups and it’s been
Forgive me for waxing all Gwyneth but … International travel pro-tip: When on vacation somewhere you’d like to remember, buy and use their
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (cont)
“To understand their perspective, consider this happening in the context we normally think of as a national security threat: Imagine that during
dj eve’s indie mix
My friend’s daughter Maya is a really good up and coming DJ and she’s only 13. She played my poster show at Outlet and people
should have held out for chicken selects
Because White Castle is just so damn pretty. It almost looks like 8‑bit food. And no one eats WC on a date, at