chunks of flommus

Robbie Edmonds
this is reddington
He knows what you did. He’s not judging you, but you will need to listen to his directions and follow them precisely if
sliced treasure
Onion, garlic, an egg, some cracker crumbs, and a squueeeeze o’ sriracha. Pork, lamb, and duck breast, all ground together. Mix, shape
They had to explain why you were mad even if you were not mad If YOU feel it, then share it
spoiler alert
And I have decided that I am officially a cantankerous old prick. Lost a friend to glioblastoma {rest in peace Rich Saxe}, and
12 o’clock blinker
“Wait, what are you heating up?” “A seitan-jalapeno bean burrito. Why?” “No reason. You mind if I just hop in real quick and nuke