chunks of flommus

Bwargh von Modnar
game over 2016
I’m a little concerned with all this talk about 2016 being the worst, as though when the year goes everything is suddenly
aspiring propagandist
Some people are so consistent about keeping their eNarrative on point: Fancy parties, fast cars, delicious meals, wise sayings, or not-so-wise sayings
‘it’s just me and you now, morrissey’
One time I got real sad and straight up listened to Morrissey for the better part of an evening. And then I
pop! crackle! snap!
I put rice krispies on my salad. It’s delicious but now my salad is making noise and it’s kinda freakin’ me out a little.
car analogy
The following is something I found saved among the unposted drafts of my blog. Unposted, I imagine, because I was still actually