chunks of flommus

Thu 30 Sep 2021
What is it with so many nurses being anti-vax? Can someone help me figure this out? I mean, I know “Cs get degrees”

Wed 29 Sep 2021
background check:
bc: “Are you Meth Luis Miguel?” me: “No.” bc: “DUI Luis Dominguez?” me: “… no.” bc: “How long was your prison stint

Tue 28 Sep 2021
wat if: covid dealings
wat if ted lasso dealt with covid ··· Everyone would be vaccinated except Jamie Tartt. Throughout the episode, Roy would be harassing Jamie

Mon 27 Sep 2021
great times
I am having a momentary thrill thinking, not only of the mighty, inspiring, powerful and delightful art that will be made as

Sun 26 Sep 2021
the hummers are back
Great hearing and seeing them buzz around, fighting with each other, filling up on nectar. Immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird. On Bee Balm (Monarda).

Sat 25 Sep 2021
come-hither! zoom! free! i’m speaking at uc berkeley tuesday
4 p.m. PDT, Tuesday, 28 September 2021 (and you’re invited) I’m stoked to be one of this year’s speakers at Design Field Notes

Fri 24 Sep 2021
well, you see, giraffes have long necks
old/busted Hanging out all day at craft fairs to sell your art. new/hotnezz Tricking people into a semi-trailer, locking them in and taking