chunks of flommus

Thu 15 Oct 2020
yester-day, to-day and … to-morrow!!
I keep thinking about this old guy I used to see at Denny’s, who would sometimes sit down with us. Always on a

Wed 14 Oct 2020
the duality of your lakeside house and the road, today
“The purpose of the MFP was to support the regular police in combating organized crime, especially savage, motorized criminal biker gangs and

Tue 13 Oct 2020
i’ve started talking to my brain
Okay let’s just RELAX FOR A FUCKING MINUTE there’s absolutely NO reason why we need to be getting anxious. You’re in your

Sun 11 Oct 2020
i feel blue most days
Some days, the blue sits kindly on the surface, nothing more than a small glimmer on the horizon. Other days, it sinks

Sat 10 Oct 2020
open, honestly
I’ve learned to be more comfortable with opening up about my experience of coping with my mental health. Most of us hide

Sat 10 Oct 2020
let cauliflower be cauliflower
I love when we’re watching The Chef Show and Roy Choi can barely hide his disdain for anything subbed with cauliflower. And

Fri 9 Oct 2020
interrupting mediocre white man says wat?
“He’s a disrespectful asshole. Did his mother teach him that?” —Shalini Chandra “Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking? I’m speaking.” —Kamala Harris “Damn. Kamala