chunks of flommus

Tue 16 Nov 2021
biden signing the infrastructure bill he got passed
This is what a president does. C‑SPAN The last one did little but de-tax the rich and obnoxiously campaign.

Mon 15 Nov 2021
is this a time for airy persiflage?
Leaning headlong into autumn since I clearly have no choice. Hollywood. Make. This. Happen. #BeTheChange I’m so torn.

Sun 14 Nov 2021
in the air tonight
Long after I quit smoking cigarettes, I’d sometimes sneak a puff in my head … Last night, I had a massive party in a

Fri 12 Nov 2021
freedom + anxiety
So I was thinking today about the overall concept of freedom and anxiety and how the two are invariably linked. Kierkegaard wrote

Thu 11 Nov 2021
steaks in italy
A few years back on Veterans Day I’d mentioned my dad and his, um, attempt to sink a Nazi submarine with a

Wed 10 Nov 2021
‘don’t sell past the close’
I try to be empathetic about this since I was a notorious overexplainer in the past and even though I’ve gotten better,

Mon 8 Nov 2021
twilight 1985
I had a few conversations recently about wat it was like to be alive during any part of THE COLD WAR (1947–91).