chunks of flommus

Tue 4 Aug 2020
‘the less you know about history, the easier it is to imagine you’d always be on the right side of it’
“You can’t reduce a person’s freedom from slavery down to what is basically a Jimmy Johns punch card.” —John Oliver, Last Week Tonight,

Mon 3 Aug 2020
‘worse than the great depression’
“Business ground to a halt during the pandemic lockdown in the spring of this year, and America plunged into its first recession

Sun 2 Aug 2020
the impossible
my brain (even though we ain’t goin’ anywhere or doin’ jack shit): “It’s noon. Better get moving if you’re going to get anything

Sat 1 Aug 2020
long-distance letterpress with david wolske, free for bipoc
the journey When we could order audio books on cassette from the long river, we thought the world had gotten smaller. When

Sat 1 Aug 2020

Fri 31 Jul 2020
pretty much exactly this
I’m in Chicago, 1992. Checking out the city before moving there to go to School of the Art Institute. I’m still IN high

Wed 29 Jul 2020
season of the nectar
I had a dream in which Steve and Bwargh were making a cooking video of Whole Roast Chicken in Milk and it