I feel like there was a 90s rap act called The Doo Doo Boyz and I refuse to Google it just in case I’m wrong.
I prefer to live in the delightful mystery.
But now
let’s take a stroll back in time to 2014, when Josh Fernandez penned this mighty letter to Sacramento News & Review more or less passive aggressively telling Midtown bougie chablis-sippers like William Burg that he would no longer live in fear …
It was a simpler time.
the Venn diagram of women Trump supporters & realtors whose profile pics are buried under so many smoothing filters that they are more or less cartoons isn’t *quite* a perfect circle, but you’d still be OK to drive on it.
1. Turn middle aged, realize you never really accomplished anything.
2. Realize youre out of shape from years of beer-fandom-as-surrogate-for-personality.
3. Grow a beard, realize that doesn’t help. You don’t look as rugged as you thought you would.
4. Spend thousands at Bass Pro Shops on camouflaged things that dont benefit from camouflage but make you feel like a man even though no one really knows what a ‘man’ is in 2020 nor if that’s even a worthwhile goal. Grab some dumb looking Oakleys too.
5. Mainline grievance culture all day/every day. You don’t want to look lame for not liking new music and movies. That’s what old people do. You’re still cool though (right?) so you focus instead on how the wrong people are making music and appearing in movies. The wrong color, the wrong shape, the wrong gender. All of it.
6. Guns. Sure. Guns will solve this. The court hasn’t let you see your kids, you haven’t even sent a check in 18 months but the guns are always there for you. And the shooting range is also like a social club for other guys just like you.
7. You never cared about politics before but this guy really speaks to you. He’s mad all the time too and he’s mad about all the same stuff you are. Like that Woman Governor and her pussy mask mandate. You’re a man as far as you can tell from steps 1–6 and you’re not going to have a woman telling you to be a pussy just to save the lives of people you don’t like anyway.
8. Militia!
White people get so hard about the concept of Defiance.
Like pointy nipples and all. Up to a certain amount of melanin.
Then it pisses them off like you wouldn’t believe.
—jason malmberg
Flommist Jason Malmberg is a simple man who believes in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art sometimes. Copyright © 2020 Jason Malmberg.