chunks of flommus

Thu 17 Sep 2020
how to make a cup of tea (like an artist)
Lately been using the term “Rick Sanchez-ing” to describe the practice of acquiring cursed items with a lot of unearned confidence in one’s

Wed 16 Sep 2020
colour on canvas
I love that another definition of “drawing” is “a pulling force,” meaning to bring out, like you might draw water from a well.

Tue 15 Sep 2020
perpetually attempting to teach people how to think or dissect information is really exhausting
“Charles Manson never actually murdered anyone. He just held rallies where he encouraged his followers to be violent.” —Cindy Clark Sowder Satanic

Mon 14 Sep 2020
mor annus horribilis
“Picture the intelligence level of the average person, and then realize that half the population is dumber than that.” —George Carlin Yeah,

Sun 13 Sep 2020
logged off
I logged in to make a meaningful post about the protests, the pain of being a minority in America and the dislike

Sat 12 Sep 2020
‘every time you wake up in your skin’
This year is the 20th anniversary of a record that meant everything to me back when I first moved to California. In

Fri 11 Sep 2020
nighttime all day
Fire ash and a marine layer almost completely blocked out the sun in the San Francisco Bay Area yesterday, 24 hours of