chunks of flommus

Thu 22 Oct 2020
post star wars post
If you think The Rise of Skywalker (2019) was good – I would have (as a poet, smirks) the ability to develop

Wed 21 Oct 2020
i’m half italian/half german, ranting is my heritage
So if I could narrow down a personality type I hate the most, Joe Rogan embodies that person fully. It’s the like the

Tue 20 Oct 2020
*excited kristen wiig ‘sue’ character biting pillow*
“Conservative radio host and noted evil bigot Rush Limbaugh announced on Monday that he isn’t long for this world. Limbaugh told listeners

Mon 19 Oct 2020
i used to be a death penalty supporter
In theory, I still am from a purely idealistic standpoint. It could only happen in a hypothetical, nonexistent world where justice truly

Sat 17 Oct 2020

Sat 17 Oct 2020
incendiary, salient points
I feel like there was a 90s rap act called The Doo Doo Boyz and I refuse to Google it just in

Fri 16 Oct 2020
get slapping!
You’ve heard VOTE BITCH on RADíO FLoMM a while back — And to-day she’s taking her advocacy farther with an ART BITCH