chunks of flommus

Mon 28 Dec 2020

Sun 27 Dec 2020

Fri 25 Dec 2020
creeeeeaaammyyy white christmas
I had only the faintest memory of this commercial until just now when my friend Jarrett gave me a Christmas present. I’d

Thu 24 Dec 2020
forgot bout this
I’m a juvenile moron. How powerful a drug is nostalgia? One Christmas we watched The Muppet Movie (1979)

Wed 23 Dec 2020
okay, is anyone else seeing it this way?
The citizens of every economically-comparable country on Earth are getting monthly stipends from their government and truly, considering our taxation rates and GDP, we

Wed 23 Dec 2020
‘i am not my body’
I saw this piece fully-formed in my mind during a recent physical relaxation practice. Let Your Eyes Float Like Lilypads Archival pigment print

Tue 22 Dec 2020
nightman to dayman
*phone rings* me: *scowls immediately, begrudgingly answers* “Hello?!” person calling: “Hi, is this Emily?” me: *even more annoyed* “YesmayIaskwhozcallingplea.” person: “Oh his this