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reminds me of the moby dick waterslides in omaha (rip)

It’s 45 de­grees. Whew! (wipes dry fore­head) Time to fire off this cardi­gan and cruise Dodge.”

In the Midwest
there’s al­ways a week in Jan­u­ary where the temps reach up into the up­per 40s from be­ing in the neg­a­tive teens. 

It feels warmer than it is due to the con­trast and peo­ple wear shorts and dri­ve with the win­dows down. In the sub­urb I grew up in, high school dudes would dri­ve with their shirts off which I guess was im­pres­sive if you had the kind of dude­bro body that could bench 80 whole pounds and you need­ed the world to know of your Ado­nis-like physique.

Win­ter pays for summer
as it were, so now we tuck in for a few months of rain, then there’s one stu­pid warm week in Feb­ru­ary where we trick our­selves into be­liev­ing that spring came ear­ly, and fi­nal­ly that first awe­some spring night when you’re hap­py to just sit on the porch with your dogs cuz it feels so nice out.

On a re­lat­ed note,
af­ter much con­ster­na­tion and toil, the clas­sic Def Lep records are on Spo­ti­fy in their pure Re­lease Day form. No more re-record­ings. These are the real deal.

When Hys­te­ria (1987) was out I pre­tend­ed to hate it be­cause the cul­tur­al land­scape was a *vast­ly* dif­fer­ent place and the last lin­ger­ing ten­ta­cles of mono­cul­ture meant not ad­mit­ting to lik­ing stuff on the ra­dio in fa­vor of the more in­tel­lec­tu­al alt rock that ex­ist­ed at the time only on (very) late night MTV and col­lege sta­tions you couldn’t get on your ra­dio anyway. 

What’s crazy in ret­ro­spect is that Def Lep­pard were es­sen­tial­ly a pow­er-pop band that *looked like* a met­al band. A seem­ing­ly ir­rel­e­vant de­tail but one that gov­erned so much in those days. There were some heavy met­al trap­pings here and there, most­ly in hair and iconog­ra­phy, but by and large this was power(full) pop. There’s a rea­son this stuff dom­i­nat­ed the ra­dio for like 36 months and sold tril­lions of copies, and it’s worth not­ing and un­der­lin­ing that this album’s suc­cess owed heav­i­ly to fu­ture Mr. Sha­nia Twain Mutt Lange’s high­ly-skilled fin­ger­prints all over its slick lacquer. 

This is a lev­el of qual­i­ty that all-time clas­sic al­bums should as­pire to, re­gard­less of genre. You could break off pieces and scat­ter them to AOR, Top 40, and Adult Con­tem­po­rary ra­dio and land hits over all of them, which as I re­call this one did. 

I’m hav­ing *the best* Fort Crook Road Skate­land flash­backs. This was the sound of the sub­urbs in Win­ter 1988 and that is in no way in­tend­ed as an insult. 

Had to skip ‘Sug­ar’ though. That one be­longs to too many foam par­ties now.

—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2018 Ja­son Malmberg.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Thu 25 Jan 2018

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
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FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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