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godzilla ‑1.0: negatives lost in translation

I haven’t done a film re­view in a while!

My wife and I went to a Lon­don screen­ing of Godzil­la ‑1.0 (2023) last month. 

Long sto­ry short, as a Godzil­la fan, was quite hap­py with the film. The hu­man dra­ma el­e­ment in mon­ster films are of­ten the point of crit­i­cism and nev­er ex­pect­ed to be ex­e­cut­ed well. 

But, ‑1.0 went above and be­yond in that as­pect, and I con­sid­er it among the best of the Godzil­la fran­chise – I didn’t like Shin Godzil­la (2016) if you’re curious. 

I don’t think I need to ex­plain what the film is about; I think you’ll be fair­ly sat­is­fied, if you en­joy mon­ster movies.

My wife, who has only seen the orig­i­nal 1954 film and ap­pre­ci­ates well-made dra­mat­ic pieces and good act­ing, was not im­pressed as much. The script, act­ing, and over­all di­rec­tion were so com­i­cal­ly spelled out and al­most em­bar­rass­ing at points, which is of­ten the biggest crit­i­cism in the Japan­ese market. 

While I was hap­py as a Godzil­la fan, I can­not agree with her more when it comes to the lack of sub­tle­ty. The heavy-hand­ed act­ing is just too easy to understand. 

The director’s past films, such as the Al­ways se­ries, were like that. 

It seems the di­rec­tor is in­tent on want­i­ng to com­mu­ni­cate 100% of his script with the au­di­ence. That sin­cer­i­ty, though, works to the film’s detri­ment – even though it nonethe­less end­ed up with main­stream and over­seas success.

Such nu­ances are of­ten ob­scured when trans­lat­ed to oth­er lan­guages, so the films can be re­ceived bet­ter. This is not be­cause one mar­ket has bet­ter taste; it works in ei­ther di­rec­tion of ex­port or im­port. Watch­ing in orig­i­nal lan­guage is a dif­fer­ent experience. 

I think Godzil­la ‑1.0 was the case of over-ex­pres­sion ac­tu­al­ly ben­e­fit­ting very well as an ex­port prod­uct. And I feel like the crit­i­cism I hear in the orig­i­nal lan­guage about ‑1.0 I rarely see overseas. 

Very in­ter­est­ing.



—toshi oma­gari

Flom­mist Toshi Oma­gari fights many things, most re­cent of which is the auto-cor­rec­tion of his ti­tle to florist. Copy­right © 2024 Toshi Omagari.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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Der Tung
Sat 13 Jan 2024

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