chunks of flommus

Sun 5 Jul 2020

Sat 4 Jul 2020
#turkey on #independenceday.
Today’s holiday #cuisine is a regional dish known as the #hotdog. These are turkey dogs wrapped in #turkeybacon and served nestled within

Thu 2 Jul 2020
i feel like you probably heard it
I’m sitting on my back porch enjoying a glass of wine and my motherfucking neighbor – who is a block over from

Wed 1 Jul 2020
big words: beyond mirriam, webster
Y’all. So I wrote this workshop over the past few days based on this feeling that we don’t have big enough words.

Wed 1 Jul 2020
not quite 2,000 years
Mel Brooks turned 94 on Sunday and spent it with his lifelong friend, Carl Reiner. Carl died the next day. I’m pretty choked

Tue 30 Jun 2020
you name it
A lot of the world’s problems could be solved if we stopped using the same names for humans over and over and over and over and

Sun 28 Jun 2020
been wanting to talk about this for awhile now and here’s a perfect example
“On Sunday, President Donald Trump thanked some of his supporters in Florida by retweeting a video of people driving golf carts confronting