chunks of flommus

Mon 18 Oct 2021
yo-yo ma, colin powell
Colin Powell was my first big news meeting. I was sent to photograph Yo-Yo Ma and he and his wife had come

Sun 17 Oct 2021

Fri 15 Oct 2021
o lords of the land,
Don’t say one single fucking word in defense of landlords to or around me. I’m so fed up of these fucking leeches

Wed 13 Oct 2021
how to come up with truly original ideas
Making mistakes? Everyone who hears that says, “Oh, I’m already quite good at that.” Ah, if this were only true. It’s not. I’ll

Tue 12 Oct 2021
if all goes to plan, tonight i will see the king joe walsh
And the Eagles. But Rocky Mountain Way yallllll. When you were partying, I studied the Eagles documentary. When you were having

Sun 10 Oct 2021
Ehmmaleigh. —emily duchaine Flommist Emily Duchaine lives in the Pacific Northwest. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks,

Sat 9 Oct 2021
soldiers, citizens, so-called patriots
musings from the bathtub Well, it’s been a while. Been showers only. I was musing about so-called Patriots that refused to be told