chunks of flommus

Thu 23 Dec 2021
‘darkness was cheap, and scrooge liked it’
my ghosts: christmas past: Catherine O’Hara christmas present: Patton Oswalt christmas future: Megan Rapinoe their messages: past: You had

Wed 22 Dec 2021
passionately balls-deep in a douglas fir
Dude in Boyz II Men’s cover of Let It Snow sounds like he’s definitely gonna fuck the tree.

Tue 21 Dec 2021
‘hey the jerk store called, they ran out of you’
I just left the FedEx Store. While I was in there, a horrible man came in without a mask on and wanted to

Sun 19 Dec 2021
the large boulder slips thru our fingers
The civil are the weight, the joke that captivates arts, they fuckup any philosophy, they consider status rather then actual wealth to

Fri 17 Dec 2021
I believe I just witnessed the most stone-willed man in all of the midwest. The car in front of me had

Thu 16 Dec 2021
In the past few days, I’ve spoken to several people about how hard it feels to do anything right now. One friend said

Wed 15 Dec 2021