chunks of flommus

Fri 17 Feb 2023
shall we just let ai make the art?
🚫 Artificial Intelligence-generated art ⁉️ As an artist, I’ve seen a lot of protest against AI works in creators’ communities lately ⛔️

Tue 14 Feb 2023
public service announcement
People tell me their secrets. And here’s a common one — many women make sex all about a man’s pleasure and then go home to

Mon 13 Feb 2023
life can be pretty cool because you can get a bagel – but there’s also the horrors
me, 97: “There used to be this thing they called ‘surfing the web’. Anyone could make a website, and show up in

Thu 9 Feb 2023
‘are the people who are trying to break you in the room with us right now, ms. ciccone?’
The world is threatened by my power and my stamina. My intelligence and my will to survive. But they will never break

Tue 7 Feb 2023
you never know what kind of day someone is having
The way I see it, you have three options when interacting with someone: · You can try to make their day better,

Sun 29 Jan 2023
TYRE NICHOLS PROTESTS LAPD HQ / DAY — 23.01.28 Not much to write except let your voice be heard.

Wed 25 Jan 2023
radío flomm attempts a self help episode the only way we can
“Why don’t they make buildings out of flowers?” —radío flomm 24 january 2023 “Imagine if every human was working at their full potential