chunks of flommus

Wed 3 Feb 2021
we have much to learn from whales
It’s impossible to adapt 250,000 years of Orca culture within the 70 years humans have obliterated their food supplies, polluted their home

Tue 2 Feb 2021
19th amendment. sundance. watch. this.
“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by

Mon 1 Feb 2021
well, watched ‘mank’ and boy that movie is up its own ass
“Pops, this is Herman Mankiewicz, but we have to call him Mank.” Mank (2020) had a fairly interesting story (which possibly is not entirely

Sun 31 Jan 2021
do you want to end up laundering money for strangers because this is how you end up laundering money for strangers
Entirely too many actual human adults: Oh of course I’ll apply for this job! Sure, it’s a payroll management job that pays through

Sat 30 Jan 2021

Thu 28 Jan 2021
good morning after from witzberg manor,
Sigh. The only house on the block that got hit. Our’s. This is some Poltergeist shit. Weather and music are impossible to unlink

Thu 28 Jan 2021
A few things I’d like to address: 1. Have we exhausted the Bernie meme yet? Sure, it was funny, but I think