chunks of flommus

Thu 18 Nov 2021
why local? let’s talk
Your local small business has basically been working for free for the last two years. Why? The cost of their materials increased exponentially.

Tue 16 Nov 2021
biden signing the infrastructure bill he got passed
This is what a president does. C‑SPAN The last one did little but de-tax the rich and obnoxiously campaign.

Mon 15 Nov 2021
is this a time for airy persiflage?
Leaning headlong into autumn since I clearly have no choice. Hollywood. Make. This. Happen. #BeTheChange I’m so torn.

Sun 14 Nov 2021
in the air tonight
Long after I quit smoking cigarettes, I’d sometimes sneak a puff in my head … Last night, I had a massive party in a

Fri 12 Nov 2021
freedom + anxiety
So I was thinking today about the overall concept of freedom and anxiety and how the two are invariably linked. Kierkegaard wrote

Thu 11 Nov 2021
steaks in italy
A few years back on Veterans Day I’d mentioned my dad and his, um, attempt to sink a Nazi submarine with a

Wed 10 Nov 2021
‘don’t sell past the close’
I try to be empathetic about this since I was a notorious overexplainer in the past and even though I’ve gotten better,