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yeah, whatever, you think we didn’t know dan harmon is sick?’

Dan Har­mon, cre­ator of Com­mu­ni­ty and co-cre­ator of the cultish an­i­mat­ed Adult Swim se­ries Rick & Morty, has apol­o­gized for the ridicu­lous ‘baby doll rape’ video pi­lot he made in 2009 that sur­faced on­line over the week­end. In the video, ac­cord­ing to In­dieWire, Har­mon climbs through a win­dow, then un­dress­es and rubs his gen­i­tals on a doll fig­ure. Har­mon delet­ed his Twit­ter ac­count as a re­sult and on Tues­day is­sued a pub­lic apology.”
Maria Sher­man, Jezebel

The very con­cept of this video is so ter­ri­ble that I al­most dis­missed it as un­for­giv­able with­out watch­ing it first.

I’m glad I didn’t, even if it is ab­solute­ly taste­less and not easy to watch. This wasn’t about some­how con­don­ing child­hood sex­u­al as­sault. This was a cri­tique of shock val­ue pro­gram­ming, at a time in ca­ble pro­gram­ming where the shows were all about shock val­ue for au­di­ence retention.

And that con­text is im­por­tant, if you’re try­ing to de­stroy someone’s job over it. The many con­texts in these people’s his­to­ries be­ing pulled up is important.

Dan Har­mon didn’t make this video a week ago. He made it a decade ago, when these jokes were en vogue. And since then, he’s be­come out of EVERY­ONE ac­cused in the me too move­ment, the ONLY ONE who has man­aged to apol­o­gize and make right in a way that brought peace to the woman he tar­get­ed. The woman he ha­rassed sent fol­low­ers to his apol­o­gy call­ing it a mas­ter class.

James Gunn didn’t tweet about dead ba­bies last month, he tweet­ed about dead ba­bies a decade ago when these jokes were cool, and he made in­de­pen­dent movies for a crowd that LOVED the macabre, not Disney.

And these past mis­takes are not be­ing out­ed by peo­ple that want ac­count­abil­i­ty. They are be­ing out­ed by alt-right fig­ure­heads, at least one of whom was con­vict­ed of AC­TU­AL RAPE, who are try­ing to kill people’s ca­reers for dis­agree­ing with them. For the sake of caus­ing an­i­mos­i­ty, in­fight­ing, and turmoil.

—mel­ony ppenosyne

Flom­mist Mel­ony Ppenosyne is a writer and weird artist type. In the last year alone, she’s trav­eled to Vir­ginia as a com­pet­ing poet, co-writ­ten a play on men­tal ill­ness that is present­ly be­ing pro­duced, and craft­ed a pub­lished es­say check­ing the priv­i­lege and scope of art gal­leries. Copy­right © 2018 Mel­ony Ppenosyne.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Tue 24 Jul 2018

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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