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the room

Good evening, par­ty kids.

Aaron has made me a manhattan,
be­cause some­body rec­om­mend­ed that I have a drink in my hand while I do this. 

So it’s happening.
It’s tme for live­blog­ging Movies Af­ter Dark, with your host­ess Emi­ly Duchaine.

My cowork­er is let­ting me bor­row The Room (2003) so I can watch it and be one of the peo­ple in our of­fice who has seen it so I can join them for James Franco’s The Dis­as­ter Artist (2017) when it comes out in theaters. 

+ + +

Let’s be­gin. Will con­tain spoil­ers, of course …

Wiseau Films
Wiseau Films (again)
Star­ring Tom­my Wiseau
Ex­ec­u­tive Pro­duc­er Tom­my Wiseau
Writ­ten by Tom­my Wiseau
Pro­duced by Tom­my Wiseau
Di­rect­ed by Tom­my Wiseau
Tom­my Wiseau


+ + +

I can’t fig­ure out if his cam­era was out of fo­cus or if I sud­den­ly need new glasses.

+ + +

Oh my god!

I just like to watch you guys!”


+ + +

This is one of the worst sex scenes I’ve ever seen. No amount of Jon Hamm pic­tures will make up for this. What am I do­ing to myself.

+ + +

They have not one, but two framed pic­tures of wa­ter pitch­ers on their mantle.

+ + +

Now she is sit­ting next to a framed pic­ture of a spoon.

+ + +

Lisa and this oth­er guy are drink­ing red wine in cham­pagne flutes. See­ing as how they love dish­es and uten­sils enough to frame pic­tures of them and put them around the house, you’d think they’d know how to use prop­er stemware.

+ + +

Oh yay an­oth­er sex scene. At least this guy is mar­gin­al­ly more at­trac­tive than Wiseau, but even the small­est dec­i­mal is still more than zero.

+ + +

Oh hai doggy!

+ + +


+ + +

Did you know that choco­late is the sym­bol of love?” Oh my god what is go­ing on in this scene? Who makes faces like this when a woman is go­ing down on them?

+ + +

They used green screen for this shot on the roof. Why. It’s a roof.

+ + +


+ + +

Yes we get it, you’re in San Fran­cis­co. As ev­i­denced by the Gold­en Gate Bridge. For the 37th time.

+ + +

They made Mike stay to play foot­ball and now the cam­era shot is cut­ting him en­tire­ly out of the scene while they throw the ball to him.

Oh hai Mark!”

+ + +

They were just in tux­es with no ex­pla­na­tion for why and then they played foot­ball in an al­ley while still wear­ing the tux­es and now they’re out of the tux­es. End scene.

+ + +

What client?”

I can­not tell you, it’s confidential.”

Oh come on.”

No, I can’t! Any­way, how is your sex life?”

+ + +

To be fair, this IS the best movie about two dudes throw­ing a foot­ball I’ve ever seen.

+ + +

Every­one just stepped out­side at this par­ty to get some fresh air and she’s just go­ing to make out with this guy on the couch?!

Also this psy­chi­a­trist is a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent ac­tor from be­fore and he doesn’t even look like the last guy. The last guy wore glass­es and this guy doesn’t wear glasses.

+ + +

This is a beau­ti­ful par­ty. You in­vit­ed all my friends. Good thinking!”

+ + +

I feel like I’m sit­ting on an atom­ic bomb wait­ing for it to go off.”

You and me both, buddy.

+ + +

Okay he set up that tape recorder like a week ago there’s no way it didn’t run out of tape af­ter an hour.

+ + +

They just found him ly­ing in a pool of blood on the floor, un­re­spon­sive to them shak­ing him and yelling at him.

Is he dead?”


+ + +

Wow. That did not end well. I mean, nei­ther fig­u­ra­tive­ly nor lit­er­al­ly did it end well. And now that weird you are my rose song is play­ing over the cred­its. Haha WTF.

+ + +

Ses­tero re­calls in his book The Dis­as­ter Artist that Wiseau in­tend­ed for the film to con­tain a sub­plot in which John­ny was re­vealed to be a vam­pire, due to Wiseau’s own fas­ci­na­tion with the crea­tures. Ses­tero re­counts how, at the out­set of pro­duc­tion, Wiseau tasked mem­bers of the crew with fig­ur­ing out a way to ex­e­cute a se­quence in which John­ny’s Mer­cedes-Benz would lift off from the roof of the town­house and fly across the San Fran­cis­co sky­line, re­veal­ing John­ny’s vam­pir­ic na­ture. Wiseau even­tu­al­ly de­cid­ed to drop the sub­plot af­ter learn­ing that there was no prac­ti­cal way to film the fly­ing car scene on the production’s budget.”

+ + +

The Dis­as­ter Artist opens 1 De­cem­ber 2017.


—emi­ly duchaine

Flom­mist Emi­ly Duchaine lives in the Pa­cif­ic North­west. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks, and lis­ten to the Talk­ing Heads. She pre­tends to be a pro­fes­sion­al busi­ness­woman most days. Copy­right © 2017 Emi­ly Duchaine.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 1 Nov 2017

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
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