“If you had a next door neighbor who fetishized poisons – collected vials of poisons, displayed them on shelves in their home and spent hours talking about lethal doses and quickness and their pretty colors and their detectability and their ease of use and carried them around with them – you would reasonably say that person is fucked up and have nothing to do with them.”
“God or whatever”
—President Dipshit
Just think: We could have had a president that could handle more than one thing at a time. Or even one thing at a time.
Time to be blunt.
If your ‘prayers’ include no preventive action then shove your worthless prayers up your useless ass.
The ONLY reason you as an American aren’t dead right now from a mass shooting is because it hasn’t occurred to another American to perform a mass-shooting where you are.
Bro, if somebody wants to kill people they will do it without a gun.
They might kill 50 fewer people and injure 500 fewer people that way but I’m a paste-eating dipshit typing words so YOLO.
Don’t take the bait.
It will never be ‘enough’ because we are fighting a *fantasy*.
Every fish-holding idiot goatee dad with a John McClaine fantasy about single-handedly stopping a mass-shooting or toppling a dictator stands between us and stopping these massacres.
Problem is, often they are the ones committing the shootings and they are the ones electing the dictators.
Without unrestricted access to guns, how will gun nuts not protect us from the tyrannical autocrats they enthusiastically vote into the White House?
Remember: Being humanized after you commit a mass-murder is for white guys only. Even I am tempted at a primal level to begin painting him as a tragic figure based on this headline. I won’t of course but that’s how insidious this stuff is.
if you need the words, feel free to copy and paste these:
“Oh shut the fuck up. Were tired of playing the rhetorical games of gun loving dipshits while living with the completely unnecessary horror caused by their idiotic fucking hobby. Data exists. We have the rest of the civilized world not dealing with these as frequently or on this scale. You are an actual stupid person and you have NOTHING to add but the usual bullshit talking points in defense of needless massacres. Fuck yourself. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”
It’s important that you realize that this really is about a hobby. The right to a hobby. You lost your kid/spouse/friend/parent so someone could freely pursue their hobby.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Fuck our idiotic gun laws.
Fuck your stupid hobby.
Fuck your toys.
Fuck your juvenile Punisher fascist logo cosplay.
Fuck your vapid pretensions about militias.
Fuck your invocation of needing them as our last line of constitutional defense while simultaneously supporting a president that would black out huge chunks of it with a Sharpie if he could.
Here 2Assholes.
Here’s one of your own. With an armed crew.
He sees that it’s bullshit now.
update 5 october 2017
I made this. Feel free to share without attribution:
If ‘law-abiding gun owners’ are such reasonable saintly types, why are they all rushing out to stock up on the tool that was just used in a mass murder?
Imagine if you got run over by a car and a bunch of people immediately came out of the woodwork to flip you shit because you don’t know how anti-lock brakes work *in detail*
That’s how obnoxious gun nuts are.
—jason malmberg
Flommist Jason Malmberg is a simple man who believes in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art sometimes. Copyright © 2017 Jason Malmberg. Top image via David Turkell.