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the arizona detour

I de­cid­ed to dri­ve to LA to vis­it fam­i­ly in­stead of fly be­cause who doesn’t love a road trip? 

(I do know some who don’t)

I im­me­di­ate­ly knew that I want­ed to take a long de­tour through South­east Ari­zona on the way. And I de­cid­ed to not straight­en the horizon. 

I went in through New Mex­i­co then crossed over into Por­tal in the east, stay­ing in Sier­ra Vista and Patag­o­nia, and end­ed the de­tour in Madera Canyon.

Here are some of the amaz­ing birds I saw and a few oth­er things thrown in for punc­tu­a­tion. Enjoy!

Saw many Gambel’s Quail. Hand­some guy.

Gambel’s Quail.

Fe­male Gambel’s Quail.

Broad-billed Hum­ming­bird.

Vi­o­let-crowned Hummingbird.

Many of the lodges in the area have bird feed­ers, par­tic­u­lar­ly hum­ming­bird feed­ers. There are 15 or more dif­fer­ent species of hum­mers in Arizona.

Rivioli’s Hum­ming­bird (left) … used to be ‘Mag­nif­i­cent.’ Large for a hummer.

Costa’s Hum­ming­bird.

Costa’s Hum­ming­bird.

Whiskered Screech Owl.

Two Does.

Javeli­na. Of course they ran into the brush be­fore I could cap­ture the group.

What love­ly un­der­tail coverts the Phain­ope­pla has.

Male Sum­mer Tan­ag­er close up eat­ing jel­ly from or­ange peels.

Black-head­ed Gross­beak, male.

One of the many and ever-so-cute Ash-throat­ed Fly­catch­ers (I’m still work­ing on try­ing to sort out all the fly­catch­ers! There was a lot of va­ri­ety … and a lot of blur­ry photos.

Yel­low-eyed Jun­co. Shock­ing to some­one only fa­mil­iar with the dark eyed kind. What a dif­fer­ence eye col­or makes.

Yel­low-eyed Junco.

Mex­i­can Jay.

Mex­i­can Jay.

El­e­gant Tro­gon (male). Nev­er saw the female.

This bird was right in the wood­ed area be­hind the lodge I stayed at in Madera Canyon.

Elf Owl.

Elf Owl.


Cooper’s Hawk with prey. I’m still sort­ing through my hawk pics … most of which are less than exciting.

Prick­ly pear blossom.

The dark edges of the Inca Dove’s feath­ers makes it look scaled.

Abert’s Towhee.

Love­ly spiny lizard .… the blue is amaz­ing. Not sure the ex­act type but a good foot long.

Last but def­i­nite­ly not least, the gor­geous Ver­mil­lion Flycatcher.

—jill bell

Flom­mist Jill Bell is a let­ter­ing artist and type de­sign­er. Copy­right © 2018 Jill Bell.

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sat 16 Jun 2018

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