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For all of you who did not ask, here are my top five fa­vorite sharks and why I love them:

1.  green­land shark

I love this slow as fuck shark, it’s the sloth of sharks – well, un­til it strikes, then its like a badass nin­ja – just slow creep­ing and then POW, you’re food be­fore you know it. 

Not only do these sharks live for, like, 500 years, they’re also prob­a­bly the an­i­mal flex­ing as the Loch Ness Mon­ster which is a pret­ty sol­id prank.

2.  cook­iecut­ter shark

I love this shark be­cause it is such a lit­tle jerk. 

He’s tiny but he has this crazy jaw that will cut per­fect­ly round holes like a cook­ie cut­ter into the flesh of oth­er an­i­mals. He zooms in out of nowhere and chomps a per­fect cir­cle and dips. It’s so rude ha­ha­ha.

He’ll even snack on badass­es like Great Whites and Or­cas. No fear. 

So if you ever seen a weird­ly per­fect cir­cu­lar hole on an ocean an­i­mal, you know who did it.

3.  frilled shark

Google this shark, we don’t see them that of­ten be­cause it lives way deep in the ocean, but it’s fun to look at be­cause it’s kind of a ter­ri­fy­ing crea­ture ha­ha­ha.

I love this shark be­cause this is what pre­his­toric sharks all looked like – eel-like, too many gills, fins all on the tail – just kick­ing it un­changed for mil­lions of years to only come to the shal­lows every few decades to give us nightmares.

4.  nurse shark

I have a spe­cial place in my heart for these sharks be­cause they are es­sen­tial­ly the couch pota­toes of the sea. 

We most­ly see them spend­ing their time just chill­ing in cud­dle piles but they are far from lazy, they’re just noc­tur­nal. They are amaz­ing hunters with ba­si­cal­ly this crazy mouth vac­u­um that sucks up prey at record-set­ting force. 

These are the sharks that are eas­i­est to swim with, they’re pret­ty docile to humans 🙂.

5.  short­fin mako shark

You know this shark can swim at 45 MPH

Not only that, they’re to­tal showoffs, they’ll straight up race boats. They’re also ac­ro­bats and can jump 20 FEET out of the wa­ter. Imag­ine a 300 pound shark just blast­ed out of the wa­ter the height of a two sto­ry house. Fuck­ing amazing. 

They jump over and onto boats all the time and they’re re­lat­ed to Great Whites so they have a pret­ty strong “what are you gonna do about it” vibe when they do, lol. 

They also eat *sword­fish,* they’re just hard­core AF.

hon­or­able men­tion  whale shark

Who would not love these gen­tle, play­ful sharks? My heart.

fa­vorite in­di­vid­ual shark  emma the lemon shark

Google her, she’s a sweetie.


Hu­mans kill about 100 mil­lion sharks every year. 

A lot of this is the re­sult of com­mer­cial fish­ing, but it is also be­cause peo­ple fear sharks so much they en­gage in things like shark culling. 

Yet sharks are su­per di­verse, not all sharks even eat meat (there’s a ham­mer­head that eats sea­weed). Even those that are apex preda­tors are vi­tal to the health of the ocean’s ecology. 

So I re­al­ly just want­ed to share some of my fa­vorites be­cause I’m sick of the dam­age of things like Shark Week that need­less­ly stoke fear of these awe­some animals.

also very important 

There’s only 60–80 un­pro­voked shark at­tacks against hu­mans glob­al­ly every year and on av­er­age about five peo­ple die a year as the re­sult of all shark at­tacks (in­clud­ing pro­voked).

To put this in con­text: 100 peo­ple in the Unit­ed States alone die every year from chok­ing on pen caps.

So sharks are not the threat we’ve made them out to be at all. 

I love them.


—na­tal­ie michelle

Flom­mist Na­tal­ie Michelle does­n’t have a bio. She just rants. Copy­right © 2022 Na­tal­ie Michelle. Top im­age: Imag­ine Drag­ons, Sharks sin­gle cov­er, 2022.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 24 Jul 2022

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