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post star wars post

If you think The Rise of Sky­walk­er (2019) was good – I would have (as a poet, smirks) the abil­i­ty to de­vel­op real Gods out of the mythol­o­gy and they would be so real that you would have the au­dac­i­ty to believe.

Not only THAT, you could play these Gods, with real force pow­ers. It in­volves elec­ton­r­bub­bles, which nev­er came up in any of the movies.

And not only that. This will come in handy one day when we have to go to war against pos­si­ble ma­lig­nant droids and some senators.

It would be the great­est cos­play trick in his­to­ry to have “ac­tors” AL­WAYS keep their act­ing clothes ON, and then time changes. Simple.

And to see the du­ties FIT to their re­spon­si­bil­i­ties in FIC­TION, in re­al­i­ty to the BEST of their abil­i­ties. And that in­cludes Ro­man and me­dieval campe­ments vague­ly named af­ter places in Cal­i­for­nia – like Pasaana – in­stalled to­day. Of who’m are usu­al­ly con­sid­ered, MY campements.

If I im­ply to rec­om­mend to be­lieve it, it is to pre­serve you the right not to be­lieve it with ALL your faith yes, and not as YOU see it fit. As far as i know the one who has most of the faith is still me.

Now if you would let oth­ers take charge, if you go­ing to get them to be­lieve in faith, they would start to ex­per­i­ment with putting glob­al de­struc­tion switch­es every­where and see if any­one pulls one off as far as a dove can not land on the su­per­laser ig­ni­tion switch of ONE launch on a plan­et, I would not even try it, let’s BE­LIEVE THAT truly.

As far as I know only the Sith would pull a trick like that. Only those who would want to sac­ri­fice them­selves would be on that plan­et, and as far as I know we are not ac­tu­al­ly IN the Star Wars mythology.

I thought there IS a bridge in re­al­i­ty which is called spirituality.

If it is en­tire­ly just is not sure, that it is en­tire­ly sure we need to MOVE ON, is sure.


I’m not a pre­quel apologist,

but per­haps Rise of Skywalker

is the worst of *all* the films

since it’s the only one that

didn’t try.”

Ja­son Malmberg


—tris­ti­tia languorem

Flom­mist Tris­ti­tia Lan­guorem eats tragedy. They have many names but it doesn’t change much the whole premise of the ideals. Antwerp, Bel­gium is where home is. It’s time for a fresh start. Copy­right © 2020 Tris­ti­tia Languorem.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Thu 22 Oct 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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