Can we take a moment to put the stupid ‘Bernie Bro’ thing to rest as it is completely made up by the media?
It started as a satirical article in The Atlantic designed to make fun of the doe-eyed earnestness of young male supporters of the presidential campaign of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders.
The term was picked up and the meaning twisted into a tendency of misogyny among Bernie supporters by a Mashable article where one of the ‘Bernie Bros’ quoted was a WOMAN.
This completely made-up narrative has been latched on to by the Hillary campaign leading Bernie Sanders to scold a group of people who DON’T EVEN EXIST.
It’s just like when CNN had the scrolling headline “Bernie Sanders struggles with black voters in South Carolina” because BLM knew that they needed to reach White Progressives with their message and that Sanders and Sanders supporters would hear them. So fucking stupid.
All a classic example of media manipulation and the people propagating the idea and defending the idea are being duped.
So let’s all just cut it out already.
—natalie michelle
Flommist Natalie Michelle doesn’t have a bio. She just rants. Copyright © 2016 Natalie Michelle. Top image: Some manipulated, twisted bros.