Whenever I see a headline about how
“Millennials are killing the __________ industry!”
I think,
“You’re welcome. It was a dumb industry, anyway.”
“Millennials are killing the frozen food industry.”
“Millennials are killing American Cheese.”
“Millennials are killing the chain restaurant industry.”
“Millennials are killing the microwave oven industry.”
“Millennials are killing the fast food industry.”
“Millennials are killing malls.”
“Millennials are killing the holiday shopping tradition.”
“Millennials are killing Applebees.”
“Millennials are …”
Look, I know wages have been stagnant since 1974 but did anyone also stop to think maybe Millennials decided all these things are dumb and they’re going to spend what money they do have on better things?
Fast food restaurants are weird though, right?
—emily duchaine
Flommist Emily Duchaine lives in the Pacific Northwest. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks, and listen to the Talking Heads. She pretends to be a professional businesswoman most days. Copyright © 2018 Emily Duchaine.