I was thinking today that if American culture were more sex positive and the Equal Rights Amendment had been passed at a federal level, women might not feel so ashamed and scared to speak up about their sexual assault.
But then it occurred to me that there would probably be a lot less sexual assault going on in a culture like that, anyway.
Kavanaugh never should have made it to this point.
It was unacceptable for him to even be considered for a position on the Supreme Court long before he was accused of sexual assault.
In a few months it will be 2019.
Whether you truly do believe that oral contraceptives ARE abortifacients, or you are even just the least bit invested in the interests of the people who do, it doesn’t matter, and those two positions should be treated as one in the same.
The slightest insistence on continuing to indulge ignorant, superstitious people who eschew science and ignore fact should disqualify you from being a substitute teacher, never mind a Justice of the Supreme Court.
—emily duchaine
Flommist Emily Duchaine lives in the Pacific Northwest. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks, and listen to the Talking Heads. She pretends to be a professional businesswoman most days. Copyright © 2018 Emily Duchaine.