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hate’ is a strong word

Read­ing about the Michael Co­hen plea and the mul­ti­ple at­tempts to build or name some Trump build­ing in Rus­sia, but also Azer­bai­jan, Kaza­khstan, Geor­gia, and who knows what­ev­er for­mer So­vi­et re­publics, what I am see­ing is some­thing re­al­ly pa­thet­ic. Hang with me.

We know that Trump bank­rupt­ed his casi­nos and no re­li­able banks would loan to him. The scan­dalous Deutsche Bank was an ex­cep­tion. At that time, Deutsche Bank was laun­der­ing mon­ey for Russ­ian oli­garchs. Trump was sell­ing con­dos to Russ­ian above mar­ket price. And it’s prob­a­ble that Trump was laun­der­ing mon­ey for Rus­sians. By most ac­counts, this was the be­gin­ning of Trump’s in­ter­est in Russia.

On today’s New York­er, from Cohen’s plea, Adam David­son writes of Trump’s sev­en year failed at­tempt at some kind of build­ing with his name on it in Rus­sia and for­mer So­vi­et republics.

Why the fail­ure? Seems that the Rus­sians looked at Trump as a joke, a shit­ty con­man des­per­ate for their mon­ey. They saw a Fre­do and, while they were hap­py to have him laun­der their cash, he was too much of a cheap crook to do busi­ness with.

David­son writes that un­til Trump’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign shift­ed from a brand build­ing joke to some­thing se­ri­ous, the Rus­sians didn’t care about Trump. When Trump got se­ri­ous, the Rus­sians got se­ri­ous about Trump. But be­fore that, Trump was a chump.

This is re­al­ly im­por­tant. Over the last two years Trump has been trans­formed into a Don when, even as pres­i­dent, he’s a Fre­do. The or­ange skin, the ig­no­rance, the loud mouth know it all, the crass big­ot, the gold cur­tains, the way he sur­rounds him­self with bleached blondes, the tro­phy wife, the cru­el and waste­ful use of pow­er — He’s a cheap crook who bum­bled into a win­ning lot­tery ticket.

Ear­ly on, when the Russ­ian elec­tion stuff start­ed to sur­face, one line was that Trump was a ‘use­ful id­iot.’ Then it mor­phed that Trump was Putin’s pup­pet or an agent. That was wrong. It looks like id­iot was cor­rect. Worse, he’s a will­ing pat­sy. There’s an old say­ing, ‘Why buy cow when you get the milk for free.’ The laun­der­ing didn’t buy Trump. Trump is greedy but he also want­ed recog­ni­tion, to be tak­en se­ri­ous­ly, to see his name in lights, to be praised. That’s what the des­per­ate at­tempts to get his name every­where are about. That’s what this whole sad fuck­ing pres­i­den­cy is about. It’s Fre­do. This whole fuck­ing thing is Fredo.”
Scott So­ri­ano

Well put. Cor­rupt to the last man.

Of course, ‘drain the swamp’ was nev­er about cor­rup­tion. It was about women that don’t know their place and brownfolk.


This bears repeating.


if the Je­sus you claim to love so much were here he’d put a san­dled foot up your suburban/rural ass.

Yes, ‘hate’ is a strong word.

I hate these peo­ple and will be hap­py when they die.





—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2018 Ja­son Malmberg.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Fri 30 Nov 2018

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