“The collapse of society will be a good thing, because the weak will die and strong people like me will survive, prosper, and emerge from the ashes to assume our rightful place at the top’ says man who experienced a complete breakdown from which he never recovered because he couldn’t go to Home Depot and Golden Corral for a couple weeks in 2020’
—Gin and Tacos, earlier this week
You know
It’s crazy how totally forgettable Pete Buttigieg is until you’re reminded he exists and then like seven seconds later you completely forget about him all over again.
But man
I dunno about this whole existence thing. Don’t worry, I promise I’m not having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self harm.
Like, I personally feel like I caught a pretty decent time in history to be born and I hardly have the worst life out there and I’m still not exactly psyched to be here for the most part.
Besides, I’m too stubborn and I enjoy being a problem and coming back around on my bullshit too much to leave.
Also, this is sure to rustle some jimmies, but, fuck it:
You know, if you already had a kid or kids up to this exact point in time? Like, literally today? Right now, at the very moment I’m writing this out? Then hey, I get it. Whatever. What’s done is done.
I just don’t know how the fuck anyone can look around at everything going on right now and still think,
“You know what’s a good idea? Having a baby! Let’s snatch another human being out of nonexistence and thrust them into the middle of this unmitigated shit show!”
I can’t exactly relate to the urge to have my own biological children and that’s putting it mildly. I identify as a woman but never has any part of my reproductive capabilities come into play when I’ve been figuring out my identity.
So you know, fuck me I guess because maybe I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.
And like I said, you already had kids? No judgment.
But if someone really wants to experience what it’s like to raise a child and help them through life and show them love, I dunno, from this point onward, maybe do something for one of the millions of kids out there who have it really bad and already didn’t choose to be here.
someone I work with told me they had to move their child to another school.
They sounded very upset. I asked why and they explained that someone at the school called immigration on them, because of their last name. They told me their father has been a legal citizen as long as my coworker has been alive and my coworker was born here and so was their child.
Their child was also experiencing racism at school.
Fuck alllllllllllllllllll the people who voted for this.
I hope they get screwed six ways from Sunday by everything this administration does and I will have no sympathy for them whatsoever.
Sit and spin, mother fuckers.
I actually had a pretty damn good week and I’m in an okay mood.
Tho between the news about the meeting with Zelenskyy and my coworker calling me and just listening and being there for them and learning a lot about their life, I’m just sort of floating around after finishing my grocery store errands feeling like (to quote Carl Brutananadilewski)
“It don’t matter, none of this matters.”
(I’m probably also a little shook up because I accidentally drove over a curb in the parking lot and banged the undercarriage really loud and hard and got super freaked out that I fucked up our car and thankfully I didn’t.)
But it’s mostly just feeling really . . .
I don’t even know, about this life and this reality.
—emily duchaine
Flommist Emily Duchaine lives in the Pacific Northwest. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks, and listen to the Talking Heads. She pretends to be a professional businesswoman most days. Copyright © 2025 Emily Duchaine.