My favorite part
about going to our local patisserie is getting to stand in line behind two dozen olds who all want to ask the poor bastard behind the counter twenty questions about each and every pastry before finally just ordering a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie.
I’ll never understand how someone can stare at a menu the entire time they’re in line and then get to the front and still have no fucking clue what they want.
a big fan of the 23 year old wife of a lobbyist dressed head to toe in Lululemon who decides that letting their hyperactive three year old verbilise their own order is a prime teaching moment when the line is out the door and it’s raining.
You’re the parent.
People are quickly walking through here with trays of food and hot beverages. This is not a mall play space.
I’d rather a toddler be screaming about being in its mom’s arms than running around like a little drunken gnome crashing into people and causing servers to trip.
Been using ChatGPT and I always say please and thank you because when the robots rise up and kill us all I want them to remember who was kind to them so maybe I’ll get a better deal.
When we were super into the first season of Westworld, I got extremely upset at that scene where the old prospector/miner guy keeps trying to tell the human guest about the hidden treasure and the human just up and fucking stabs him.
I had to listen to a snippet of Hollaback Girl for a trivia I’m putting together and Jesus fucking Christ what an awful, stupid goddamn song that is.
it’s a lazy overcast Caturday involving Zelda, coffee, pastries, and mimosas.
*just stares in 2023*
—emily duchaine
Flommist Emily Duchaine lives in the Pacific Northwest. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks, and listen to the Talking Heads. She pretends to be a professional businesswoman most days. Copyright © 2023 Emily Duchaine.