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i’m tired of saying ‘do you see now?’

When this Trump thing is over, we will be asked to for­give and for­get. We will be told that we need to come to­geth­er for the good of the na­tion. We will be told that we need to heal. FUCK THAT.

Take a look at this smug ass­hole in the MAGA hat, the one mock­ing a Na­tive Amer­i­can el­der. Look at the dick in the back­ground yelling. These are two of dozens of right-wing Trump-lov­ing Catholic high school­ers – white and black – who at­tend­ed the DC anti-abor­tion March and crashed a Na­tive people’s March and ha­rassed Na­tive Amer­i­cans with racist whoops, mock danc­ing and tom­a­hawk chops. This is the same anti-abor­tion march that Pence spoke at and Trump wel­comed (nei­ther who has made a state­ment on this at­tempt at white su­prema­cist, Trump in­spired intimidation).

I ask you this: Why should I come to­geth­er with these ass­holes? These are teen fas­cists. If they had their way, I’d be dead. Am I sup­posed to turn the oth­er cheek to them? Am I sup­posed to al­low them to hit me in the first place? Is me ly­ing down with a rat­tlesnake healing?

I’m sor­ry, but I am not the one who has the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to make amends. I did not elect a misog­y­nis­tic white su­prema­cist pres­i­dent. I did not chant ‘Jews will not re­place us.’ I did not prop­a­gate apartheid slo­ga­neer­ing and pre­tend I was just stat­ing an opin­ion. I did not won­der why ‘white su­prema­cy’ is a bad word and then claim to have been mis­quot­ed. The hate is not mine.

Do not con­fuse my loathing for these clowns with their hate. I do not hate them for who they are. I do not mock them be­cause they are white boys. My dis­gust is based on what they do. I con­demn how they act. You can call it ‘po­lit­i­cal cor­rect­ness’ if you want. Please do, that will make it much eas­i­er for me to iden­ti­fy you as a racist asshole.

No, no fuck­ing way do I for­give and for­get this. I am not com­ing to­geth­er with fas­cists, racists, misog­y­nists, or nazis. I have ab­solute­ly no tol­er­ance for big­otry. Does that make me bet­ter than you? Why, yes it cer­tain­ly does! And it makes my par­ents bet­ter than the par­ents of that smug ass­hole. You see, my par­ents are far from per­fect, but in their own fucked up way they raised the So­ri­ano boys to be egal­i­tar­i­an-mind­ed and com­pas­sion­ate. We sucked in a lot of big­otry – how could we not in this coun­try – some of it from our folks, but as best as they could they taught us about equal­i­ty and, as im­por­tant, re­spect. If that was me in that pic­ture, smug and self-sat­is­fied, and my dad saw that, he would have lit­er­al­ly beat that smile off my face, and you know what? Good on him, I would have de­served to have my at­ti­tude adjusted.

Yeah, I know, ‘I’m not be­ing con­struc­tive. I am only mak­ing the prob­lem worse.’ Uh huh. Go fuck a stick. I’ve heard that shit all my life. I’ve been told that I need to break bread with the haters, talk to them, rea­son with them, show them com­pas­sion and a blah blah blah. No, sor­ry. My com­pas­sion goes first to those who are the vic­tims of shits like these peo­ple, to the folks who Trump grinds down. My com­pas­sion then goes to the peo­ple who fight these ass­holes and who com­fort the beat­en down. Last­ly, my com­pas­sion will go to these id­iots once they are de­feat­ed and de­fanged, when they are sprawled help­less be­fore us and when they’ve re­ject­ed the poi­son they’ve em­braced. When they are pros­trate, then the heal­ing can be­gin. Oh and you know what is ‘help­ful?’ You help­ing us get rid of these bastards.

Oh, I have a ques­tion: Why is it al­ways me that has to com­pro­mise with hate? Why do I have to turn the oth­er cheek? Why am I ex­pect­ed to set­tle with this bull­shit? Re­al­ly, why?

This sounds harsh, but it is re­al­ly the only way for­ward. Nazis. do. not. want. to. be. pals. with. us. You can­not not break bread with some­one who is look­ing to slice your throat with a bread knife. Trump has poi­soned a gen­er­a­tion of youth, he gave life to a dy­ing white su­prema­cist move­ment. These peo­ple and their hate will be with us years af­ter Trump is dead. They will meet at his grave to praise him and look for a smarter, stronger Trump-clone to lead them. We can­not not ever give them room to make that hap­pen. For­giv­ing, heal­ing, com­ing to­geth­er with un­re­pen­tant haters is noth­ing more than let­ting them free to spread the hate. Tol­er­ance is sign­ing our own death warrant.

When Trump is gone, we must do every­thing we can to make sure this doesn’t hap­pen again or spread. If Trump (any of them) goes to jail, we need to make damn sure no one par­dons him ‘for the sake of the na­tion.’ We can­not be conned that the ‘long na­tion­al night­mare’ is root­ing out the rot. The night­mare is fas­cism. Period.
Scott So­ri­ano

Damn right.

Your ig­no­rance of what they are is a choice. An over­priv­i­leged, in­ert, im­po­tent White Ass­hole choice. 

As­so­ciate with them and it’s not just ‘fuck them’ its ‘fuck you’ too. 

Keep­ing the peace with fas­cist white su­prema­cists is not ex­cused be­cause you had good times with them in high school (ya know, that pe­ri­od their stunt­ed shit­head ass­es can’t get past)

Use your voice or no one has to care that you have one.

This has been, if noth­ing else, the great­est broad day­light test of friends and neigh­bors. Who they are. What they are. What they would allow.
They de­serve to die in shame from all three.

So here’s a video of Ash­ley shout­ing the n‑word in an 8 year olds face at a Pan­era bread. And she does it 43 times.”

But we were soror­i­ty sisterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssss!”


It’s not and has nev­er been about what they said they sup­port­ed. It’s about WHAT THEY WOULD ALLOW

Every one of these paunchy sub­ur­ban dad shit­bags will hide be­hind “um. Dereg­u­la­tion” (which they couldn’t on their best day ex­plain as a net good) while cast­ing a know­ing eye to­ward hor­rif­ic abus­es be­cause for all their stu­pid guns sig­ni­fy­ing their com­plete im­po­tence they are at their core weak scared so­cio­path­ic trash that would ex­cuse gas cham­bers so long as there was an R in paren­the­sis sten­ciled on the side.

—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2019 Ja­son Malmberg.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 20 Jan 2019

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
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FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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