chunks of flommus

Mon 8 Mar 2021
the healing of our malign
When you finally become so insane that you scratch and tear the heart out of every moral fibre of this society, or

Sun 7 Mar 2021
then tom brady used the money to buy a yacht
If you’re wracking your brain trying to justify Democrats not giving stimulus checks to people making more than $80,000 a year, here’s

Fri 5 Mar 2021

Thu 4 Mar 2021
‘i will give you a shiny nickel and a signed copy of my hit 2008 cd fearless’
Taylor Swift always has this look on her face like she’s looking around for an orphan to send into a sea cave

Tue 2 Mar 2021
so, that cpac stage …
“What we need is a new nationalism, a new agenda to make the rule of the people real in this country …” —Josh

Mon 1 Mar 2021
If you expect to be taken seriously, then it is not only preferable but required that you KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT. It’s exhausting

Sun 28 Feb 2021
sunday brunch
It gives me a little tickle to know that all the absolute worst types are having a big mad over a plastic potato toy just about now.