chunks of flommus

Fri 20 Jan 2023
louis being a sassy bitch
Please allow me to be the first person that cuts a raspberry in an AI art gallery. Like I should get points

Mon 16 Jan 2023

Fri 13 Jan 2023
had no goddamn idea
I’m hosting a Harry Potter themed trivia tonight at a family friendly brewpub and good lord … Revisiting these stories, there is so much

Mon 9 Jan 2023
you abhor classiness whereas i embrace it and strangers give me money as a result
“In the 50s, the Brazilians decided they wanted a capital … Brazilia was going to be The City of Tomorrow. It was

Thu 5 Jan 2023
‘time to start a movie’
“A profoundly humanist film, mourning the tragedies that litter Hollywood histories. But it’s also a worshipful film, one that gladly buys into

Tue 3 Jan 2023
things learned during the (first?) sacramento blackout of 2023
“Several communities around Sacramento are still without power as a deadly storm hit Northern California and continues to flood streets.” —abc10, 2

Mon 2 Jan 2023
this year I will
Remember who I am Forget who I was Write a new story Edit all the old ones Push gentler Breathe deeper Nurture wholeness Extend forgiveness to