chunks of flommus

Thu 27 Aug 2020
he’s not a vigilante. he’s a terrorist. kyle rittenhouse is a terrorist.
“Lone wolf” terrorism is a term coined by a White Supremacist named Louis Ray Bean Jr. who ran the Puller Camp, a

Wed 26 Aug 2020
energy + time + acrylics
Time is passing us fast. And a lifetime is not long enough to do everything. Dunzo, I think … Prob not.

Tue 25 Aug 2020
that teaching analogy
Asked about teachers who are worried about coronavirus outbreaks at their schools, Kayleigh McEnany compared them to meat packers. “We believe teachers

Mon 24 Aug 2020
that zack snyder
“The rumored production woes had some fans clamoring for an alternate ‘Snyder cut’ soon after the theatrical release, leading to a social

Sun 23 Aug 2020

Sat 22 Aug 2020
people who wear masks
I’m watching the Watchmen series and can’t stop thinking about how Steve Blackman was just like “fuck this is so good I have to

Fri 21 Aug 2020
the race is on *now*
Alright LISTEN UP. Fake-ass Republican “Christians” don’t get to talk about, well, Christianity ever the fuck again. This is beyond ghoulish: Trash. All