chunks of flommus

Mon 21 Dec 2020
starting to think the secret to life is just tricking yourself into having a good time
“As a white-collar millennial, I’m supposed to be cheering on the remote work revolution. But I’ve realized that I can’t be my

Sun 20 Dec 2020
‘won’t someone think of j.k. rowling?!’
I think the best thing I’ve seen today is a woman who went off on a small rant about how, while she hates TERFs,

Sat 19 Dec 2020
‘aren’t you worried about wat’s in the vaccine?’
I was at a club once with some friends and we found a cigarette cellophane full of pills in the bathroom. So

Fri 18 Dec 2020
this saturday! xmas bullshit? spectacular!
So WAT would a FLOMM holiday party be like? Would it be BAUHAUS with German kabarett AND English post-punk goth? CUBIST where

Thu 17 Dec 2020
okay, so p0rnhub isn’t so cool
“P0rnhub prides itself on being the cheery, winking face of naughty, the website that buys a billboard in Times Square and provides

Wed 16 Dec 2020
xmas during covid
I know a lot of people are varying degrees of disappointed because either there will be no celebrating in person or their

Tue 15 Dec 2020