I have this dream gig planned. You see,
quite some time ago I realized that I was
helplessly lazy. Not stupid, mind you, just
lazy. All I wanted to do was read and give
abstruse 45 mins insights once a week.
How do I, with the least effort possible,
convince farmers and hunters the world
over to keep me in books and sponsor
my studies? Well, in addition to being
lazy and abnormally bright I’m also a
prude. I don’t care much for drinking or
sex despite their popularity as pastimes.
I’m sure I can find an old book that
warns against overindulgence. A clever
punishment involving fire and an
afterlife can also be crafted. Who, in
their right mind, aside from a dumb or
guilty person, would care what happens
to them after death? This can work.
Next, my libraries and reading rooms will
need to be funded by stupid rich people
who want to buy a better afterlife. Did
I just commodify an abstract concept?
Despite being a lazy ego-driven prude,
I’m still social. I have to be the center
of attention at my weekly mandatory
gatherings. I can do this by creating an
additional fear other than death. Like
a culling. I always hated being picked
last for teams so I can play off everyone’s
fear of rejection in a similar fashion.
My hero deity will insist on picking teams
against an equally powerful inversion of
themselves. Everyone will want to be on
the winning team and I can tell them
how every week. Eventually, other lazy
smart people will see through my ruse
so I’ll have to recruit them beforehand
to keep it going. We’ll elect the smartest
and laziest one of us to do nothing but
wear cool clothes because it’s hilarious.
Somewhere down the road, way after my
time, people will stop listening to lazy
clever people. These will be dark days
when everyone is forced to work and no
one wants to read from cool dusty books
that I’ve edited and designed. I can write
up a prophecy calling this era something
ominous like “the last days.” Because,
in truth, they will be. They will be the
last days that lazy, clever (but not educated)
people can run things. By then everyone
will be quantifiably more intelligent than
me. And let’s face it that would suck for
lazy people who like to read all day.
Did I mention I love Italy for some reason
and that I want to build a castle there?
—louis hernandez
Flommist Louis Herdandez is obsessed with going Bauhaus and becoming The Machine. Preferably a drill press. Copyright © 2016 Louis Hernandez. Top image: The ThWINGh’s (so-called) ‘Castle,’ part of FLOMMIST COMPOSITION No.4 (cropped) from FLOMM! THE BATTLE For MODeRN 1923 – und – the Monk, source.
Louis will be part of KABARETT FLommstein, coming this fall …