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been up to.

The se­cret project which has kept me in LA on for the last 3 months has been for Dun­geons and Drag­ons with the crew from the Labyrinth Mas­quer­ade Ball.

They brought me on to work as an ex­pe­ri­ence de­sign­er for an event called D&D Live: The De­scent.

For this project I wrote around 40 char­ac­ters, de­signed in­ter­con­nect­ing fac­tions and plots while bas­ing it off of a 50 page Epic ad­ven­ture writ­ten by Wiz­ards of the Coast.

This was set in the first lev­el of hell called Av­er­nus, and had a vague­ly Mad Max vibe.

Our par­tic­i­pants en­gaged in try­ing to re­cov­er their soul coins hid­den all around the in­ter­ac­tive en­vi­ron­ment where we had staged many char­ac­ters they could speak to, as well as vendors.

Some of the cos­tumes were in­cred­i­ble. On the left we had Mark Meer play­ing a Reprobus, a vas­sal of the duke of the eight lay­er of hell and on the right is Arkhan.
At the event I played a char­ac­ter called Tact, Or­a­cle of Bones who was an in­hab­i­tant of hell known as a Vrock.

This was tak­en by a pa­tron, ‘Do you have any bones for me?’
As the Or­a­cle, my role was to as­sist pa­trons by of­fer­ing them ad­vice. In­stead of sim­ply giv­ing them this ad­vice, I would have them ex­change it for some­thing. Usu­al­ly this was for their bones, es­pe­cial­ly their teeth – which I ate as snacks.

Most of this I would usu­al­ly com­mu­ni­cate via mim­ing, or whistling but I would al­ways whis­per in their ear “if you scream loud enough I will give you what you want” be­fore ‘rip­ping out’ their tooth.

I would perch on the edge of bar­rels and when­ev­er some­one brought me a bone I would an­swer any ques­tion for them.

Here is a pho­to of the Or­a­cle in action.
This was a dream come true for me be­cause I’ve been play­ing D&D sev­er­al times a month for over ten years now, and to get to build a mini LARP for them was such an hon­or. All the stress and late nights were worth it to get to see how much fun every­one had.

With Noxweil­er Ig­natius Berf and Al­cuin Gersh.

With a cor­rupt­ed Pal­adin, An­gelique Rockwood.
Thanks Shawn Strid­er for tak­ing a risk and trust­ing me with this. Thanks for mak­ing the amaz­ing map and art we used to keep peo­ple ori­ent­ed and en­gaged- you had so many in­cred­i­ble ideas. Thanks Jacquie Adorni for be­ing so sup­port­ive, will­ing to com­mu­ni­cate and deal­ing with so many lo­gis­ti­cal de­tails. Thanks to Aoib­h­neas Bergher for keep­ing us fed and from go­ing in­sane. Es­pe­cial­ly for the amaz­ing hugs.

This Jack­a­lope, Jacquie Adorni, is my fa­vorite! (she tol­er­ates and oc­ca­sion­al­ly sup­ports my spookiness)
MUCH grat­i­tude to­wards Ash Min­nick for solv­ing so many prob­lems and keep­ing us on track. Thanks to the amaz­ing cos­play­ers we hired, the Court of Lords, Mad Maggie’s Ma­raud­ers, and the Hellspawn.

The amaz­ing In­fer­nal Mer­chants at Roll 20, my spooky sweet friends in this plot.
Es­pe­cial­ly to Roger Fo­jas (pic­tured up top) for slay­ing his role cross­dress­ing as Mad Mag­gie and be­ing such a kind friend to me when things were a lit­tle frus­trat­ing and to Clin­ton Kyles for be­ing a suave sul­tan and quick on his paws- for laugh­ing at my ridicu­lous puns.

AH­H­H­H­H­HH The Moun­tain Goats
Hear­ing The Moun­tain Goats per­form­ing at the con­cert on the last night, while sit­ting atop a blacksmith’s anvil in the hell­ish scene, still cov­ered in the feath­ers I had glued to my face, my heart felt full.

This one is so thank­ful for the chance to flex their cre­ative power.

Red­cap shenani­gans with great friend Gar­rett Hallows.

It is a suc­cess when I make a cos­tume spooky enough to make Tal­iesin Jaffe proud. His bone col­lec­tion is sec­ond to none.
[I also had no ideas what an amaz­ing com­mu­ni­ty D&D has, and am in­spired to start a stream or pod­cast when I set­tle down somewhere.]

—car­nelian king

Flom­mist Car­nelian King is a per­form­ing artist, prod­uct de­sign­er, toy mak­er and non­bi­na­ry clown cur­rent­ly on break from liv­ing in Berlin. Copy­right © 2019 Car­nelian King.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 29 May 2019

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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