Just thought I’d share what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is really all about. You can thank me later.
I’ve worked at hourly jobs, been a union rep, worked at universities and global tech companies and have experienced directly why DEI programs are needed.
It’s because there is a traditional cultural bias in this country to hire, promote and give a raise to the dumb-arse white guy over every other person no matter what.
The purpose of DEI is to get people thinking about who, how, and why people are hired, promoted and given raises so it’s not always just the dumb-arse white guy and the rest of us have to put with his dumb-arseness and work so much harder to overcome it.
Diversity means thinking carefully and being clear and objective about job requirements, experience, education, skills, potential for excellence, and taking into consideration factors usually not considered when the priority is to hire dumb-arse white guys.
Like actually having run a small family business may be better experience for a manager than an undergrad degree in Business Administration.
Equity means people should be paid based on the work they do, not because of a cultural tradition that the dumb-arse white guy should be paid more because his manliness deserves it and women should be home mopping the floor.
And it’s not about a man needing to support his family, because the man who dumps his family or doesn’t even have one still gets paid more for the same work than the woman who supports hers.
Inclusion means the assumptions about who is eligible and able to do a job is not always the dumb-arse white guy who goes running with the hiring manager every weekend, but the person in the wheelchair, who is a genius.
Stephen Hawking would have agreed with this.
DEI programs were created as an antidote to the cultural bias of dumb-arse white guy supremacy that has been holding us all back for generations.
And these programs have been working. Which is why the dumb-arse white guys are howling and filling their diapers because they now need to actually compete and can’t just rely on dumb-arse white guy bias to get ahead.
Are these programs all perfect? Of course not. In this case, fix the programs that need it, don’t just shut down every DEI program in the country.
For example, if a hospital had a doctor committing malpractice, we’d fire that doctor and fix the organization so it doesn’t happen again. We wouldn’t shut down every hospital in the country.
Only a dumb-arse would do that.
You can thank me now.
—clayton moraga
Flommist Clayton Moraga wants to know there is more to this world than meets the eye, but she just keeps flirting from his peripheral vision. Sweet smiles and laughing eyes in pareidolia and teasing flashes of synchronicity, hastily covered with chaste apophenia. Breathy signal whispers from the white noise of awareness seduce his silent consciousness into an aroused attention, chasing detached shadows that pause to beckon coyly from behind the veil of Isis; a Möbius stripper ready to take the stage with taunting, half-revealed truths firing an intensity of imagination that lunges at concepts that slip away and fade from rationality like the memory of her fragrance from a dream. Copyright © 2025 Clayton Moraga. Images: Segar.