“One of the most effective ways in which dominant groups maintain their power is by depriving the people they dominate of the knowledge of their own history.”
—Jane Sherron De Hart
I love this book.
I received it used, so I taped it to save its structural integrity.
Women’s America: Refocusing the Past is filled with the history of women before us and some still among us who fought hard and paved the way for us to have what we have today.
To be the kind of free we are today. To work. To vote. To own land. To be part of the government. To be treated as equal. To get paid fairly. To be educated. To not be jailed or killed for speaking out. To be seen and treated as human. To have rights. Rights to our bodies. Sexual freedoms. Reproductive options/freedoms. The freedom of choice(s). And many other moral and social issues women have engaged in that have shaped this country.
We can’t forget how long and how hard the fight has been going on to just have our autonomy recognized. We can’t stand separated as women and judge each other for personal choices. We have to be more united.
Each in understanding that life is a turbulent ocean for all of us and we make choices that are right for our own lives. That should be honored.
In fighting we are kept down. In regression of our rights we are pulled back by decades of progress.
No sect of government should be so involved in our bodily autonomy and personal medical choices.
Women have to use their voices and their votes going forward – tools left for us by our foremothers who fought hard for us and our daughters.
—rose fante
Flommist Rose Fante is a wanderer, “yeah a wanderer, I roam around around around around around …” Copyright © 2022 Rose Fante.