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when fascism is on the ballot – it’s ‘biden or bust!’

I want­ed to stop Hitler but . . .
.  .  .  my Grand­ma sup­ports him and she’s al­ways sweet (to oth­er well-off white people)
.  .  .  my soror­i­ty sis­ter sup­ports him and we go way back (Cabo ’96 wheeeee!)
.  .  .  peo­ple in my sub­urb sup­port him and I want to keep get­ting in­vit­ed to BBQs!”

Tol­er­at­ing evil peo­ple is soft sup­port. Don’t.



No more fuck­ing around.

If you know third party/nonvoters then STOP. Cut them out of your life and tell them why. Any of them. And that in­cludes family.

Peo­ple that will al­low fas­cism shouldn’t be in your life.


Trump sup­port­ers are anti-en­vi­ron­ment, anti-sci­ence, anti-trans, racist, misog­y­nist, cru­el, and lit­er­al­ly pro-geno­cide with forced ster­il­iza­tions at the bor­der con­cen­tra­tion camps. There aren’t words to cap­ture how hor­ren­dous these atroc­i­ties are.

What I don’t get is how very rea­son­able peo­ple with com­pas­sion in their hearts and brains in their heads some­how find it okay to re­main con­nect­ed to peo­ple who sup­port this. It doesn’t make you no­ble or en­light­ened to stay friends with a Trump sup­port­er for the sake of reach­ing across the aisle or hav­ing all kinds of friends. It’s dis­gust­ing and a bull­shit rea­son for peo­ple to avoid the emo­tion­al work of cut­ting ties. I mean, how can some­one re­veal­ing them­self to you as a Trump sup­port­er in­spire any­thing but re­vul­sion and grief?

Point be­ing: Trump sup­port­ers, Re­pub­li­cans, evan­gel­i­cals, racists, and their ilk are not en­ti­tled to your friend­ship, and it says some­thing about you if you give it any­way. You are the com­pa­ny you keep.”

—from a friend of a friend


You ladies that “aren’t like oth­er girls” think that lik­ing foot­ball and hot wings and throw­ing fem­i­nists un­der the bus will get you props in front of your Ro­gan bro friends ex­pect that this will get you spe­cial priv­i­leges in Gilead?

And was there a ben­e­fit to Bernie mak­ing so many folks po­lit­i­cal­ly ac­tive if they were just go­ing to be math-averse, delu­sion­al cult mem­bers ad­dict­ed to mag­i­cal think­ing about it?


You have two votes.

One at the polls. One with your presence.


When fas­cism is on the bal­lot – it’s “Biden or Bust!”


Right now, we start call­ing our Sen­a­tors every day!
Every hour if need­ed to stop this vote from hap­pen­ing be­fore the election.

Call oth­er Sen­a­tors. Lie about your zip code. No more fight­ing fair. They wrote the new rules, we will play by them.


If the “es­tab­lish­ment” col­laps­es, you won’t be Tom Hardy in Fury Road.

You’ll be Chan­ning Tatum in This Is The End.


I  K N O W

You just want­ed to be a so­cial me­dia manager.


Isn’t dy­ing in the fi­nal bat­tle for democ­ra­cy and the fate of hu­man­i­ty kind of cooler?

There’s still tote bags, but we need em to load the trebuchet.


—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2020 Ja­son Malm­berg. Im­age source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Mon 21 Sep 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

