As I write this, Kellyanne Conway is on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and she looks SO exhausted.
She’s holding it together but you can see this job defending everything Trump does is killing her.
I hope next Wednesday she goes on vacation to someplace far away and peaceful so she can get some rest.
I’m not a fan of what she says or the fact that she works for Trump, but she stays on topic, has all the ‘facts’ and references right there, isn’t getting names wrong, and overall is really sharp.
I feel like if we have fairly matched female presidential candidates in the future, the male establishment would be shocked at how well they deal with actual issues instead of throwing crap at each other every chance they get.
—laura heikel
Flommist Laura Heikel is a happily divorced full-time single mother to an ungrateful teen, a moderator of a breastfeeding support group, an ordained minister, a former bureaucrat and a Trader Joe’s enthusiast. Copyright © 2016 Laura Heikel.