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a tournament of lies

As a mem­ber of the mil­i­tary, I can’t re­al­ly get po­lit­i­cal. I mean, un­less it’s in sup­port of Re­pub­li­cans and/or against Democrats.”

A black guy shot a white kid there­fore cops should be able to do what­ev­er they want to black people.”



This week the RNC is on some un­hinged griev­ance shit.

To hear these dil­dos you’d think we were run­ning a re­an­i­mat­ed Stalin.

Marx­ist” “Com­mu­nist” “Far Left”

LOL all of this is di­rect­ly tar­get­ed to your dumb­est old­er rel­a­tives and peo­ple you went to high school with.

Plus, fat old dads in shit­ty re­gion­al metal/punk bands that were just dy­ing to drop the mask and go full-blown David Duke.

AND if you’re on­line de­bat­ing one of these shits – some­one with a dis­tinct name and city – al­ways Google that plus “ar­rest.” Nine times of ten (ten if they at­tend­ed the School of Hard Knocks) they owe child sup­port and have a ton of DUIs.

This is also how I dis­cov­ered a lo­cal su­per gung ho cop apol­o­gist gun-nut re­signed the force in dis­grace af­ter he was caught embezzling.



I’m vot­ing third par­ty. The DNC doesn’t care about real people.
Also check out pix of me par­ty­ing mask­less with 40 oth­er idiots!”


If we lose in No­vem­ber the *en­tire* Supreme Court gets flipped to right wingers. For the rest of your milen­ni­al-ass life.

This means (in a nec­es­sar­i­ly in­sane ex­am­ple) your pre­cious Green Par­ty could sweep the pres­i­den­cy, House and Sen­ate in 2024 and STILL not get any­thing done that couldn’t be un­done by the courts.

So shut the fuck up and get on board.




The vi­o­lence you’re see­ing in Don­ald Trump’s Amer­i­ca. Is Don­ald Trump even aware he’s pres­i­dent? These are not im­ages from some imag­ined ‘Joe Biden’s Amer­i­ca’ in the fu­ture. These are im­ages from Don­ald Trump’s Amer­i­ca to­day. The vi­o­lence we’re wit­ness­ing is hap­pen­ing un­der Don­ald Trump. Not me. It’s get­ting worse, and we know why.”
Joe Biden



Kellyanne Conway’s daugh­ter forc­ing her to quit her job work­ing for Trump is proof that every kid can force their par­ents to vote cor­rect­ly. If this kid can break that bond, you have an oblig­a­tion to FUCK YOUR PAR­ENTS UP. If they’re vot­ing Trump, they are lit­er­al­ly KILLING you and your fu­ture. Make them SUFFER.”
—Tim­o­thy Paul Doyle

So­cial. Pres­sure. Works.

Get ready, though. Not only will the Red Hats scream bloody mur­der – and they’ll scream loud­ly – there will also be a move­ment among De­moc­rats to sim­ply move on. To cut bait. The Van Jone­ses of the ca­ble news land­scape – those who’ve at­tempt­ed to mis­use the cov­et­ed la­bel ‘pres­i­den­tial’ to de­scribe the ex­act op­po­site – will ex­ploit their plat­forms to pro­mote let­ting the na­tion ‘heal’ by leav­ing the past in the past.”
Bob Cesca, Don’t cry for Kellyanne Con­way, SALON


This is just a nor­mal thing for a face to look like.


Trump:  “The pi­o­neers didn’t have mon­ey. Didn’t have fame …”

Me:  “Didn’t have no cred­it card to ride this train?”



Dude seems pret­ty low en­er­gy for what the mo­ment is.

He man­aged to get a “four more years” chant go­ing but it sound­ed like 10 peo­ple out of the 2,000 present.

I’m only lis­ten­ing and not watch­ing but he sounds ready to nod the fuck out.

Did Ju­nior Hoover up all the llello?


He is not dep­u­tized. We, the pub­lic, have not as­sent­ed to this through any de­mo­c­ra­t­ic or le­gal mech­a­nism. It is law­less. This is Stand Your Ground on steroids, or maybe PCP. It might not be your ground, and you might have to trav­el across state lines to stand there, but as long as you’re the Right Kind of guy with a gun, some peo­ple will make ex­cus­es for you.”
Jack Holmes, Esquire



Will the pop­u­lar mid­town yoga stu­dio soon be of­fer­ing QAnon classes?


shoutout to all the ladies whose po­lit­i­cal opin­ions are out­ing the dudes that only friend­ed them for their looks.


And if Bel­la Thorne can make $2M in a week from her On­ly­Fans, I should be able to make $80 easy.

I wan­na buy a Crock-Pot.


—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2020 Ja­son Malm­berg. Je­sus meme source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Fri 28 Aug 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

