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the jump was scary

Life right now is a whirl­wind and I have worked so damn hard for it.

The days pass but there’s hard­ly time spent tak­ing a break. 

I am con­stant­ly chas­ing, cap­tur­ing, and re­leas­ing this won­drous ad­ven­ture I am on.

Peo­ple ques­tioned me.

They doubt­ed me.

And still even to­day be­lieve that the steps I took were wrong. 

I guess they can’t un­der­stand where I am, what I see. How hap­py my heart lies in what I’ve built for myself.

The love I have blan­ket­ing me and sur­round­ing me, a self love I nev­er had before. 

At every turn I felt de­pen­dent. Emo­tion­al­ly a mess, a scared in­no­cence that need­ed pro­tec­tion, and just a stu­pid, dumb, lit­tle girl who had no di­rec­tion – one of val­ue, at least. 

I can list my ac­com­plish­ments or the things I’ve done to change it all but I no longer feel the need to. 

Is that grow­ing up? I fi­nal­ly feel as if I know my­self and lead a life tru­ly to my­self, hon­or­ing my morals and val­ues as much as pos­si­ble in my pur­suit of happiness. 

I’m tak­ing flight, and yes the jump was scary, and I went through night­mares, hit rocks and was thrown fur­ther than I meant to jump, but dear god, this path – it is mine and so re­mark­able and I feel so em­pow­ered as I press on. 

New jour­neys I feel are to come short­ly, ones reach­ing out­side the com­fort I know now, but I rest in prepa­ra­tion steadi­ly mov­ing for­wards the wa­ter flow.

—al­ley scheffki

Flom­mist Al­ley Schef­f­ki is 23 years young, ‘I am the blue rose. Dies ist ein wun­sch für frei­heit.’ Copy­right © 2017 Al­ley Scheffki.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
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shar­ing ist nice


promotes learning  +  education worldwide
drawing attention to works by nü  +  upcoming artists,
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Der Tung
Sat 11 Mar 2017

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

