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decision 2024: confederacy of simple-minded bigots

It’s elec­tion in­ter­fer­ence to re­veal that Trump is a trai­tor who tried to im­ple­ment a coup to cling to power.”
—The aw­ful friends and rel­a­tives you refuse to kick out of your life

‘He says some crazy things but he re­al­ly cares about the coun­try.’ That, my friends, is how 9 mil­lion peo­ple went into ovens.”
—Jim Fior­i­ni

His­to­ri­ans have a word for Ger­mans who joined the Nazi par­ty, not be­cause they hat­ed Jews, but out of a hope for re­stored pa­tri­outism, or a sense of eco­nom­ic anx­i­ety, a hope to pre­serve their re­li­gious val­ues, or dis­like of their op­po­nents, or raw po­lit­i­cal op­por­tunism, or con­ve­nience, or ig­no­rance, or greed.
That word is ‘Nazi.’ No­body cares about their mo­tives anymore.
They joined what they joined. They lent their sup­port and moral ap­proval. And, in so do­ing, they bound them­selves to every­thing that came af­ter. Who cares any more wat par­tic­u­lar knot they used in the binding?”

—A.R. Mox­on

Why did you kick Trump sup­port­ers out of your life?

I don’t tol­er­ate Nazis. Whether friend or fam­i­ly. And I’m not sor­ry at all.

The Nazis weren’t all blue-eyed an­gry Aryan men like in a movie.

There were Nazi aunts and Nazi grand­mas, etc.

They didn’t get a Pass on what they did and tried to do.

Nei­ther do yours.

We see it now; the hate has shift­ed to the trans com­mu­ni­ty. They see that as an op­por­tu­ni­ty. If you’re watch­ing any sport­ing events right now, you see that Don­ald Trump’s clos­ing ar­gu­ments are to de­mo­nize a group of peo­ple for be­ing who they are.
We’re out there try­ing to make the case that ac­cess to health­care, a clean en­vi­ron­ment, man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs, and keep­ing your lo­cal hos­pi­tal open are what peo­ple are re­al­ly con­cerned about. They’re run­ning mil­lions of dol­lars of ads de­mo­niz­ing folks who are just try­ing to live their lives.”

—Tim Walz

Can I tell you a se­cret? I don’t care if there are un­doc­u­ment­ed im­mi­grants in this coun­try. I think it’s a non is­sue. With­out so­cial se­cu­ri­ty num­bers they’re not get­ting the wel­fare peo­ple claim they’re get­ting, the vast ma­jor­i­ty of them are nor­mal peo­ple try­ing to live a bet­ter life.
This whole wall de­port-the-il­le­gals bull­shit is just the one per­cent con­vinc­ing the work­ing poor to blame a sub­set of the work­ing poor for the fact that they’re all poor, in­stead of re­al­iz­ing they’re all poor
due to vast in­come in­equal­i­ty and re­source price in­fla­tion in com­bi­na­tion with wage stagnation.
The ex­is­tence of an­oth­er poor per­son is not why you’re poor. It’s be­cause the peo­ple who con­trol every­thing refuse to in­crease your wages.

—Jessie Memer

The worst peo­ple you are un­for­tu­nate to know (and are some­times re­lat­ed to) didn’t care about the LGBTQI com­mu­ni­ty un­til ass­holes with an R next to their names in paren­the­sis told them to get mad about it.

This isn’t hyperbole. 

This. Right now. Isn’t a “a dif­fer­ence of pol­i­tics” and if you try to di­min­ish Trumps evil as mere­ly some “mean tweets” you need to catch a hard back­hand and lose a mo­lar or two.

Yup. Your smug sense of self-sat­is­fac­tion and the fake in­ter­net points it gains you from your id­iot friends could very well be the thing that does the ex­act op­po­site of what you have made your whole iden­ti­ty (this year anyway).

If you are a one is­sue vot­er and your one is­sue is Gaza and on that one is­sue you’re go­ing to help elect the can­di­date (Trump) who is un­doubt­ed­ly go­ing to make things much worse for in­no­cent peo­ple in Gaza, then your one is­sue is that you’re a self­ish, per­for­ma­tive dipshit.”
—Mikel Jol­lett

Every­one should read and force their per­for­ma­tive white left­ist friends to read this bril­liant­ly word­ed letter/poem from Nao­mi Westwater:


She should stick to singing and stay out of politics.”

Sure, Randy. And you should stay out of pol­i­tics and stick to scam­ming peo­ple on HVAC sys­tems but here we are.”


This time out I’m glad to see re­pub­li­cans re­ject­ing the MAGA tu­mor. Drew Carey don’t play.


I don’t of­ten like to de­ploy such gauche ges­tures. But …



—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2024 Ja­son Malm­berg. Top col­lage by mehal­lo, 2017 up­dat­ed for 2024.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sat 2 Nov 2024

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
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FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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