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  chunks of flommus 


say their names

Ter­rance Crutch­er 40, Tyree King 13, Gre­go­ry Fra­zier 56, Ar­shell Den­nis III 19, Paul O’Neal 18, Ja­son Brooks 41, Tyler Geb­hard 20, Alva Bra­ziel 38, Phi­lan­do Castile 32, Al­ton Ster­ling 36, Del­rawn Small 37, Symone Mar­shall 22, Pierre Loury 16, Do­minique Bat­tle 16, Ashaunti But­ler 15, Laniya Miller 15, Pierre Loury 16, David Joseph 17, Lin­wood Lam­bert Jr. 46, Ja­cai Col­son 28, Kisha Michael 31, Mar­quinan San­dlin 32, Gregg Gunn 58, James Slade 31, Glyn­nya McMillen 16, Akil Denk­ins 24, Bar­bara Daw­son 57, Bet­tie Jones 55, Quin­to­nio LeGri­er 19, Miguel Es­pinal 36, Bob­by Daniels, 48, Ja­mar Clark 24, Corey Jones 31, Prin­co­la Shields 19, In­dia Kager 28, Donell Thomp­son 27, An­ge­lo Per­ry 35, Mansur-Ball Bey 18, Loren­zo Collins 25, Kel­ly Bernard Brin­son 45, Everette Howard 18, An­dre Green 15, Chris­t­ian Tay­lor 19, Ralk­i­na Jones 37, Dar­ius Stew­art 19, Sam Du­bose 43, Kin­dra Chap­man 18, Kendra Dar­nell 18, San­dra Bland 28, Jonathan Sanders 39, Maki­ah Jack­son 3, Michae­lan­ge­lo Jack­son 6, Tama­ra Sei­dle 51, Deng Many­oun 35, Kevin Allen 36, James Brown 26, Mea­gan Hock­a­day 26, Alex­ia Chris­t­ian 25, Thad­deus Mc­Car­roll 23, Williams L. Chap­man 18, Ervin Ed­wards 38, Nairo­bis Al­varez Cruz 23, Fred­die Gray 25, Ty Sawyer 20, Natasha McKen­na 37, Eric Har­ris 44, Jus­tus How­ell 17, Wal­ter L. Scott 50, An­tho­ny Da­mone Clark Reed 24, Megan Hock­a­day 26, Al­fon­so Limon 21; Phillip White 32, Nicholas Taft Thomas 25, Naeschy­lus Vin­zant 37, An­tho­ny Hill 27, Calvon Reid 39, Tony Robin­son 19, Jer­ame Reid 36, An­to­nio Mar­tin 18, Ru­main Bris­bon 34, Tamir Rice 12, Akai Gur­ley, Tane­sha An­der­son, Aura Ross­er, Do­minique “Damo” Franklin, Von­der­rit My­ers Jr., Kim­ber­lee King, Cameron Till­man, Ka­jieme Pow­ell, Dar­rien Hunt, Chris Lol­lie, Vic­tor White, Sheneque Proc­tor, Mar­lon Hor­ton, Miguel Ben­ton, Michelle Cusseaux, Tahreem Zeus Rana, Roshad McIn­tosh, Ka­jieme Pow­ell, Roshad McIn­tosh, LaQuan Mc­Don­ald, Michael Brown, Ezell Ford, Brit­ton Es­rael, Eric Gar­ner, Rekia Boyd, Vic­tor White III, John Craw­ford, Michael Tay­lor, Philippe Hol­land, Laquan Mc­Don­ald, McKen­zie Cochran, Mal­las Green, Ki­wane Car­ring­ton, Gabriel­la Navarez, Kim­ber­lee Ran­dale-King 21, Dar­ren Rainey 50, Den­zel Cur­nell, Sean Bell, Shereese Fran­cis, Ki­mani Gray, Sharmel Ed­wards, Kendrec Lavelle Mc­Dade, Ervin Jef­fer­son, Re­mar­ley Gra­ham, Shantel Davis, Tim­o­thy Rus­sell, La­posha Wat­son, Don­ald John­son, Mar­quez Smart, Jer­sey Green, Robert Du­mas Jr., [Bal­ti­more]: Trayvon Scott, Ty­rone West, George King, An­thong An­der­son, Manuel Log­gins Jr., Ty­isha Miller, Ronald Madi­son, James Brisette, Al­ber­ta Spruill, Prince Jones, Ronald Beasley, Earl Mur­ray, Michael Lem­b­hard, John­nie Ka­machi War­ren, Ray­mond Allen, Den­ver Smith, Ne­hemi­ah Dil­lard, Wen­del Allen, Patrick Doris­mond, An­ge­lo Clark, Kan­thryn John­ston, Du­ane Brown, Sev­en Ro­driguez, Pearlie Gold­en, Ous­mane Zon­go, Tim­o­thy Stans­bury Jr., Melvin Lawhorn, Miri­am Carey, Sheron Jack­son, Tendai Nhekairo, Christo­pher Kissane, Bo Mor­ri­son, Aiyana Jones, Tari­ka Wil­son, Stephon Watts, At­wain White, Or­lan­do Bar­low, Aaron Camp­bell, Vic­tor Steen, Tim­o­thy Thomas 19, Steven Eu­gene Wash­ing­ton, Alon­zo Ash­ley, Wen­dell Allen, Ronald Madi­son, James Bris­sette, Justin Sipp, Travaris McGill, Tim­o­thy Stans­ber­ry, Dante Price, Jonathan Fer­rell, Amadou Di­al­lo, Mark Clark, Fred Hamp­ton, Trayvon Mar­tin, Jor­dan Davis, Ren­isha McBride, Michael Allen Vin­cent, Os­car Grant, Je­sus Huer­ta, Yvette Smith, James Chaney, Her­bert Lee, Eleanor Bumpurs, Jimme Lee Jack­son, Ro­man Ducksworth, Samuel Eph­esians Ham­mond Jr., Jacque­line Culp, De­lano Her­man Mid­dle­ton, Hen­ry Ezekiel Smith, Aaron Camp­bell, Alon­zo Ash­ley, Wen­dell Allen, Denise Stew­art, Lawrence Gor­don, Trevon Cole, Kei­th Vi­dal, William Hen­der­son, Bri­an Hund­ley, Al W. Moore Jr., Fred­er­ick Ron Lol­lis, Omar Ed­wards, Sam­my Lee Evans, Court­ney Williams, Mar­vin Williams, Corey Hor­ton, John Africa, Ken­neth Williams, Melvin Lawhorn, John­nie Gam­mage, Robert Mitchell, Flint Farmer, Khalif Snow­den, Ron­nie Hol­i­day, Mar­shawn Pitts, Wal­ter Hervin, Cor­nell Greathouse, Dono­van Jack­son, Frank Jude, Joseph Erin Ham­ley, Ran­dolph Evans, Robert Davis, Mar­lon Brown 38, Clif­ford Glover, Tam­mon Ed­wards, Nicholas Hey­ward, An­tho­ny Baez, Nathaniel Levi Gaines, Aswan Wat­son, Der­win Pan­el, Archie El­liott, Du­an­na John­son, San­dra An­tor, Car­o­line Sue Bot­tich­er, Hiji Eu­gene Har­ri­son, Hen­ry Glover, Paul Childs, Ty­Ron Lewis, Cam­merin Boyd, Al Hixon, James Earl Green, Phillip Lafayette Gibbs, James Ed­ward Tay­lor, David Fauntleroy, Michael Till­man, Mack­ey Wig­gins, Ahmede Bradley, Dan­roy Hen­ry Jr., Jar­rel Grey, Rodger An­tho­ny, Je­re­mi Carr, Adaisha Miller, Dar­rin Han­na, Lawrence Allen, Wal­ter Blair II, Christo­pher Brown, Kawame­sha Sharp, Zachary King, Qua­maine Dwayne Wil­son, John Hus­band, An­dre Jones, Ray­nard John­son, Tim­o­thy Rus­sel, Steven Wash­ing­ton, Ronald Madi­son, Chad Hol­ley, Aris­ton Wait­ers, D’­Paris Williams, Shu­le­na S. Wel­don, Robin T. Williams, An­tho­ny An­der­son, Roger Williams, Roger Log­gins Jr., Al­bert Mosley, John­ny Grif­fin, Rafael Chris­t­ian, Tiffany Rent, Tim­o­thy Thomas, Carl John­son, Ro­dar­ick Lyles, Lavell Fair­banks, Michael White, Kendall Cham­ber­lin, Ken­rick Grey, An­gel Moore, Dar­ren Sand­berg, Mon­trail Collins, Lester Spence, Ty­rone West, Jer­ry Jack­son, Dante Park­er, Mack­ala Ross, Malis­sa Williams, Shelly Frey, Vic­tor White, Ad­die Mae Collins, Denise Mc­Nair, Ca­r­ole Robert­son, Cyn­thia Wes­ley, Em­mett Till, the five chil­dren from the movie bombing … 

This is a list of Black cit­i­zens (many in­no­cent of any crime or only com­mit­ted a mi­nor in­frac­tion) who were mur­dered by our police/state.

This long and in­com­plete list is to demon­strate how much of a prob­lem po­lice bru­tal­i­ty is against Blacks in Amer­i­ca – a sys­temic is­sue of in­sti­tu­tion­al racism that many deny is a problem.


—na­tal­ie michelle

Flom­mist Na­tal­ie Michelle does­n’t have a bio. She just rants. Copy­right © 2016 Na­tal­ie Michelle. Pic­tured: Flom­mist An­neka Grace in a Black Lives Mat­ter tee.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 21 Sep 2016

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

