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racism, hate – front and center

He’s al­ready ad­vo­cat­ed spread­ing nu­clear weapons to more coun­tries, mur­der­ing civil­ians and com­mit­ting war crimes, pun­ish­ing any woman who gets an abor­tion, toss out the Gene­va con­ven­tion and tor­ture peo­ple, with­draw from NATO, and ban an en­tire re­li­gion from the coun­try, and cre­ate a data­base of muslims.

He said he would de­port US cit­i­zens and thinks glob­al warm­ing is a hoax cre­at­ed by the chi­nese, thinks the US should de­fault on its debt, de­fends the in­ter­ment of Japan­ese Amer­i­cans in WW2.

He thinks Oba­ma is a mus­lim and ac­cused him of not be­ing amer­i­can and ac­cused him of be­ing an ISIS sym­pa­thiz­er, in­sult­ed war heros be­cause they got cap­tured, racial­ly in­sult­ed a sit­ting Sen­a­tor. He bragged about his dick size in a GOP de­bate and has sug­gest­ed he might quit if he’s ac­tu­al­ly elected.

He con­sis­tent­ly thinks women are only valu­able for how they look, with at least a dozen high-pro­file misog­y­nis­tic comments.

He’s called nuk­ing the mid­dle east a plau­si­ble op­tion. He has a sus­pi­cious num­ber of ties to Putin, and has a his­to­ry of busi­ness deals with or­ga­nized crime. He’s called mex­i­cans rapists and crim­i­nals, been suc­cess­ful­ly sued mul­ti­ple times for racist rental prac­tices, and said he wants no blacks only jews count­ing his money.

He semi-threat­ened the pope, mocked dis­abled peo­ple in front of a crowd of thou­sands, out­right threat­ened vi­o­lence to­wards the me­dia and pro­test­ers, made sex­u­al com­ments about his daugh­ters MUL­TI­PLE TIMES, praised Kim Jong Un and Putin and Sad­dam Hus­sein, praised the Tia­nen­men Square massacre.

He’s flirt­ed with white su­prema­cy – retweet­ing them, re­post­ing their im­ages with anti-se­mit­ic sym­bols, play­ing coy about David Duke’s en­dorse­ment. He’s a ver­i­fied lu­natic con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist – he thinks the Clin­tons mur­dered one of their aides, Oba­ma is a sleep­er agent and Ted Cruz’s dad helped kill JFK.

He could get caught did­dling kids and fund­ing ISIS him­self and his sup­port­ers would eat it up. Ei­ther way, Ladies and Gen­tle­men, your Re­pub­li­can par­ty nominee.”
De­tec­tive­G­od­vyel on Reddit

There was no way to short­en that. Sources.

How Cart­man can Trump be? We ain’t seen shit yet.


This is the Grand Old Par­ty in 2016. You DO NOT get to dis­own this.

The idea of “No Racism” and “No Hate” are such in­cen­di­ary con­cepts to them that they must be snuffed out outright. 

And what is the an­ti­dote to this kind of thinking? 

Trump of course. 

So it will come as no sur­prise to sane peo­ple that #RNC­in­CLE has been a pa­rade of lies de­signed to get a rise out of yokels that reach for their gun every time they see a skin­tone north of Swayze in Point Break. Here’s some fact-check­ing.


Re­mem­ber that part in Ca­ble Guy where Jim Car­rey stood on the gi­ant satel­lite dish and with a look of awe and won­der on his face pre­dict­ed a day in the not-too-dis­tant fu­ture when every man, woman and child would be able to ar­gue with peo­ple too stu­pid to eat a bowl of soup no mat­ter where they were on the planet?

(sighs for 6 and a half hours)

As this elec­tion year picks up speed and things get heat­ed on so­cial me­dia, take a breath and re­mind your­self that you do not owe any­one your time, your pa­tience, or your end­less back and forth. *Par­tic­u­lar­ly* randos. 

You can waste hours of your life hav­ing the same ar­gu­ment for the 30th time with some Alex Jones-lov­ing ran­do duck dy­nasty bro, or you can say “this is­n’t a pro­duc­tive use of de­bate” and flush them out­right. You’re not go­ing to reach some peo­ple and there’s di­min­ish­ing val­ue in a de­bate like that anyway. 

So there’s my PSA for today. 

Al­low your­self once in a while to say “I don’t have to de­bate every putz with an AOL account.”

You’ll be glad you did.


—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2016 Ja­son Malm­berg. Pic­tured: Cov­er from SPY (cropped) Au­gust 1990, source. MOR SPY here.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 20 Jul 2016

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

