“He’s already advocated spreading nuclear weapons to more countries, murdering civilians and committing war crimes, punishing any woman who gets an abortion, toss out the Geneva convention and torture people, withdraw from NATO, and ban an entire religion from the country, and create a database of muslims.
“He said he would deport US citizens and thinks global warming is a hoax created by the chinese, thinks the US should default on its debt, defends the interment of Japanese Americans in WW2.
“He thinks Obama is a muslim and accused him of not being american and accused him of being an ISIS sympathizer, insulted war heros because they got captured, racially insulted a sitting Senator. He bragged about his dick size in a GOP debate and has suggested he might quit if he’s actually elected.
“He consistently thinks women are only valuable for how they look, with at least a dozen high-profile misogynistic comments.
“He’s called nuking the middle east a plausible option. He has a suspicious number of ties to Putin, and has a history of business deals with organized crime. He’s called mexicans rapists and criminals, been successfully sued multiple times for racist rental practices, and said he wants no blacks only jews counting his money.
“He semi-threatened the pope, mocked disabled people in front of a crowd of thousands, outright threatened violence towards the media and protesters, made sexual comments about his daughters MULTIPLE TIMES, praised Kim Jong Un and Putin and Saddam Hussein, praised the Tianenmen Square massacre.
“He’s flirted with white supremacy – retweeting them, reposting their images with anti-semitic symbols, playing coy about David Duke’s endorsement. He’s a verified lunatic conspiracy theorist – he thinks the Clintons murdered one of their aides, Obama is a sleeper agent and Ted Cruz’s dad helped kill JFK.
“He could get caught diddling kids and funding ISIS himself and his supporters would eat it up. Either way, Ladies and Gentlemen, your Republican party nominee.”
—DetectiveGodvyel on Reddit
There was no way to shorten that. Sources.
How Cartman can Trump be? We ain’t seen shit yet.
This is the Grand Old Party in 2016. You DO NOT get to disown this.
The idea of “No Racism” and “No Hate” are such incendiary concepts to them that they must be snuffed out outright.
And what is the antidote to this kind of thinking?
Trump of course.
So it will come as no surprise to sane people that #RNCinCLE has been a parade of lies designed to get a rise out of yokels that reach for their gun every time they see a skintone north of Swayze in Point Break. Here’s some fact-checking.
Remember that part in Cable Guy where Jim Carrey stood on the giant satellite dish and with a look of awe and wonder on his face predicted a day in the not-too-distant future when every man, woman and child would be able to argue with people too stupid to eat a bowl of soup no matter where they were on the planet?
(sighs for 6 and a half hours)
As this election year picks up speed and things get heated on social media, take a breath and remind yourself that you do not owe anyone your time, your patience, or your endless back and forth. *Particularly* randos.
You can waste hours of your life having the same argument for the 30th time with some Alex Jones-loving rando duck dynasty bro, or you can say “this isn’t a productive use of debate” and flush them outright. You’re not going to reach some people and there’s diminishing value in a debate like that anyway.
So there’s my PSA for today.
Allow yourself once in a while to say “I don’t have to debate every putz with an AOL account.”
You’ll be glad you did.
—jason malmberg
Flommist Jason Malmberg is a simple man who believes in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art sometimes. Copyright © 2016 Jason Malmberg. Pictured: Cover from SPY (cropped) August 1990, source. MOR SPY here.